Apache2.4.18 错误403
1.背景:小弟菜鸟,想在公司局域网搭建web管理系统,但是在搭建环境时遇到问题百度1天都没百出来 啥,都是过期复制粘贴的答案。2.环境:安装环境:1)Win7Pro(32bit)中文(非虚拟机)2)Wampserver3.0.4(Server Software:Apache/2.4.18 (Win32) PHP/5.6.19 - Port defined for Apache: 80)3.问题描述:1)安装完wampserver后启动正常,通过localhos,本机ip,都可以访问正常。但是我在局域网其它机器上访问服务会提示访问拒绝没有权限巴拉巴拉巴拉。。如下截图:错误日志:
[authz_core:error] [pid 4544:tid 864] [client] AH01630: client denied by server configuration: C:/wamp/www/favicon.ico[authz_core:error] [pid 4544:tid 856] [client] AH01630: client denied by server configuration: C:/wamp/www/
DocumentRoot 'c:/wamp/www'<Directory 'c:/wamp/www/'> # # Possible values for the Options directive are 'None', 'All', # or any combination of: # Indexes Includes FollowSymLinks SymLinksifOwnerMatch ExecCGI MultiViews # # Note that 'MultiViews' must be named *explicitly* --- 'Options All' # doesn’t give it to you. # # The Options directive is both complicated and important. Please see # http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/core.html#options # for more information. # Options +Indexes +FollowSymLinks # # AllowOverride controls what directives may be placed in .htaccess files. # It can be 'All', 'None', or any combination of the keywords: # AllowOverride FileInfo AuthConfig Limit # AllowOverride all # # Controls who can get stuff from this server. ## onlineoffline tag - don’t remove# Require local Require all granted</Directory>
回答1:这个问题也是搞了好半天。。。。。apache 2.4.18** 结果是:还需要修改 Virtual Hosts 文件在conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf !!!!!
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName localhostDocumentRoot d:/wamp/www<Directory 'd:/wamp/www/'> Options +Indexes +FollowSymLinks +MultiViews AllowOverride All #Require local Require all granted</Directory>
回答3:wampsever3菜单有了变化,put online/offline 功能需要开启,右击服务图片找到菜单选项,开启put online/offline 菜单然后put on line就可以在其他机器访问了,但是这个功能也是通过修改 httpd.conf文件将目录访问权限 Require local>Require all granted 但是手动修改就不行,不知道咋回事,有知道的大神指点下。
1. javascript - 引入 simditor,但是显示标签,这个怎么解决。2. android - 目前有哪些用Vue.js开发移动App的方案?3. docker api 开发的端口怎么获取?4. python - 一个关于爬虫的问题5. javascript - 仿着echarts官网的地图做了个例子,但是只显示出来了地点,没有画出飞机动态效果??急6. javascript - js写一个递归把数据结构重组成另外的结构7. python - scrapy获取网页指定内容,后翻到下一页继续,固定循环次数。。问题8. java - android studio的安装路径问题9. javascript - 关于document.documentElement.scrollTop和documen.body.scrollTop的問題10. calss调用了 也设置了颜色,可是网站不显示。请问大佬是什么情况啊