android - AS中Module中没法使用Butterknife.有什么好的替代?
Yes this is not supported. This is a tradeoff between ease-of-use and what I tolerate as a sane API.
The only way to accomplish something like this is to allow string values like this:
@InjectView(name = 'content_frame') protected FrameLayoutcontentFrame; The downside’s to this are:
The downside’s to this are:
It’s not rename-safe or compile-safe (kind of). If you open the layout XML for this and do an IDE-backed rename operation it will not catch this string and update it. It also means you can (technically) compile the above code if there is no content_frame ID that exists. Now the compilation will eventually fail because the generated code will become invalid.
It’s hard to know what R class to reference in the generated code, especially when you take into consideration the fact that you can use references to IDs that exist in libraries that you are referencing.
It forces us to have defaults for both the value and name properties on each annotation which means you can write @InjectView Foo foo and Butter Knife will have to fail the builder rather than javac.
Because of these facts, I have chosen not to support library projects.
One way that this could potentially be solved is to use a Gradle plugin rather than an annotation processor. I don’t have the time to explore something like that for a few months though.
回答1:Android Studio Prettify
这个插件自动生成findViewById等内容,你可以试试。 你说Butterknife不能用,应该是你用错了吧,你仔细看看是不是用错了。
//BaseActivitypublic <T extends View> T $(@IdRes int resId){ return (T)super.findViewById(resId);}//BaseFragmentpublic <T extends View> T $(View layoutView, @IdRes int resId){ return (T)layoutView.findViewById(resId);}//使用TextView tvName=$(;回答4:
回答6:RoboGuice?或者android annotation?
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