
linux运维 - python远程控制windows如何实现

【字号: 日期:2022-06-26 17:20:24浏览:67作者:猪猪






import osos.system('net rpc -S <ip address> -U <username>%<password> shutdown -t 1 -f')

(2)从windows远程关闭windows: (reference)http://code.activestate.com/r...

#!/usr/bin/env python# win32shutdown.pyimport win32apiimport win32conimport win32netconimport win32securityimport win32wnetdef shutdown(host=None, user=None, passwrd=None, msg=None, timeout=0, force=1, reboot=0): ''' Shuts down a remote computer, requires NT-BASED OS. '''# Create an initial connection if a username & password is given. connected = 0 if user and passwrd:try: win32wnet.WNetAddConnection2(win32netcon.RESOURCETYPE_ANY, None, ’’.join([r’’, host]), None, user, passwrd)# Don’t fail on error, it might just work without the connection.except: passelse: connected = 1 # We need the remote shutdown or shutdown privileges. p1 = win32security.LookupPrivilegeValue(host, win32con.SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME) p2 = win32security.LookupPrivilegeValue(host, win32con.SE_REMOTE_SHUTDOWN_NAME) newstate = [(p1, win32con.SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED),(p2, win32con.SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED)] # Grab the token and adjust its privileges. htoken = win32security.OpenProcessToken(win32api.GetCurrentProcess(), win32con.TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS) win32security.AdjustTokenPrivileges(htoken, False, newstate) win32api.InitiateSystemShutdown(host, msg, timeout, force, reboot) # Release the previous connection. if connected:win32wnet.WNetCancelConnection2(’’.join([r’’, host]), 0, 0)if __name__ == ’__main__’: # Immediate shutdown. shutdown(’salespc1’, ’admin’, ’secret’, None, 0) # Delayed shutdown 30 secs. shutdown(’salespc1’, ’admin’, ’secret’, ’Maintenance Shutdown’, 30) # Reboot shutdown(’salespc1’, ’admin’, ’secret’, None, 0, reboot=1) # Shutdown the local pc shutdown(None, ’admin’, ’secret’, None, 0)

标签: Python 编程