

【字号: 日期:2022-07-24 08:29:12浏览:7作者:猪猪


















-/root -xxftp.welcome -xxftp.goodbye -user1 -.xxftp -password -... -user2 -.xxftp -password -... -anonymous源代码


import socket, threading, os, sys, time import hashlib, platform, stat listen_ip = 'localhost' listen_port = 21 conn_list = [] root_dir = './home' max_connections = 500 conn_timeout = 120 class FtpConnection(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, fd): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.fd = fd self.running = True self.setDaemon(True) self.alive_time = time.time() self.option_utf8 = False self.identified = False self.option_pasv = True self.username = '' def process(self, cmd, arg): cmd = cmd.upper(); if self.option_utf8: arg = unicode(arg, 'utf8').encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) print '<<', cmd, arg, self.fd # Ftp Command if cmd == 'BYE' or cmd == 'QUIT': if os.path.exists(root_dir + '/xxftp.goodbye'): self.message(221, open(root_dir + '/xxftp.goodbye').read()) else: self.message(221, 'Bye!') self.running = False return elif cmd == 'USER': # Set Anonymous User if arg == '': arg = 'anonymous' for c in arg: if not c.isalpha() and not c.isdigit() and c!='_': self.message(530, 'Incorrect username.') return self.username = arg self.home_dir = root_dir + '/' + self.username self.curr_dir = '/' self.curr_dir, self.full_path, permission, self.vdir_list, limit_size, is_virtual = self.parse_path('/') if not os.path.isdir(self.home_dir): self.message(530, 'User ' + self.username + ' not exists.') return self.pass_path = self.home_dir + '/.xxftp/password' if os.path.isfile(self.pass_path): self.message(331, 'Password required for ' + self.username) else: self.message(230, 'Identified!') self.identified = True return elif cmd == 'PASS': if open(self.pass_path).read() == hashlib.md5(arg).hexdigest(): self.message(230, 'Identified!') self.identified = True else: self.message(530, 'Not identified!') self.identified = False return elif not self.identified: self.message(530, 'Please login with USER and PASS.') return self.alive_time = time.time() finish = True if cmd == 'NOOP': self.message(200, 'ok') elif cmd == 'TYPE': self.message(200, 'ok') elif cmd == 'SYST': self.message(200, 'UNIX') elif cmd == 'EPSV' or cmd == 'PASV': self.option_pasv = True try: self.data_fd = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.data_fd.bind((listen_ip, 0)) self.data_fd.listen(1) ip, port = self.data_fd.getsockname() if cmd == 'EPSV': self.message(229, 'Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||' + str(port) + '|)') else: ipnum = socket.inet_aton(ip) self.message(227, 'Entering Passive Mode (%s,%u,%u).' % (','.join(ip.split('.')), (port>>8&0xff), (port&0xff))) except: self.message(500, 'failed to create data socket.') elif cmd == 'EPRT': self.message(500, 'implement EPRT later...') elif cmd == 'PORT': self.option_pasv = False self.data_fd = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s = arg.split(',') self.data_ip = '.'.join(s[:4]) self.data_port = int(s[4])*256 + int(s[5]) self.message(200, 'ok') elif cmd == 'PWD' or cmd == 'XPWD': if self.curr_dir == '': self.curr_dir = '/' self.message(257, ’'’ + self.curr_dir + ’'’) elif cmd == 'LIST' or cmd == 'NLST': if arg != '' and arg[0] == '-': arg = '' # omit parameters remote, local, perm, vdir_list, limit_size, is_virtual = self.parse_path(arg) if not os.path.exists(local): self.message(550, 'failed.') return if not self.establish(): return self.message(150, 'ok') for v in vdir_list: f = v[0] if self.option_utf8: f = unicode(f, sys.getfilesystemencoding()).encode('utf8') if cmd == 'NLST': info = f + 'rn' else: info = 'd%s%s------- %04u %8s %8s %8lu %s %srn' % ( 'r' if 'read' in perm else '-', 'w' if 'write' in perm else '-', 1, '0', '0', 0, time.strftime('%b %d %Y', time.localtime(time.time())), f) self.data_fd.send(info) for f in os.listdir(local): if f[0] == '.': continue path = local + '/' + f if self.option_utf8: f = unicode(f, sys.getfilesystemencoding()).encode('utf8') if cmd == 'NLST': info = f + 'rn' else: st = os.stat(path) info = '%s%s%s------- %04u %8s %8s %8lu %s %srn' % ( '-' if os.path.isfile(path) else 'd', 'r' if 'read' in perm else '-', 'w' if 'write' in perm else '-', 1, '0', '0', st[stat.ST_SIZE], time.strftime('%b %d %Y', time.localtime(st[stat.ST_MTIME])), f) self.data_fd.send(info) self.message(226, 'Limit size: ' + str(limit_size)) self.data_fd.close() self.data_fd = 0 elif cmd == 'REST': self.file_pos = int(arg) self.message(250, 'ok') elif cmd == 'FEAT': features = '211-Features:rnSITESrnEPRTrnEPSVrnMDTMrnPASVrn' 'REST STREAMrnSIZErnUTF8rn211 Endrn' self.fd.send(features) elif cmd == 'OPTS': arg = arg.upper() if arg == 'UTF8 ON': self.option_utf8 = True self.message(200, 'ok') elif arg == 'UTF8 OFF': self.option_utf8 = False self.message(200, 'ok') else: self.message(500, 'unrecognized option') elif cmd == 'CDUP': finish = False arg = '..' else: finish = False if finish: return # Parse argument ( It’s a path ) if arg == '': self.message(500, 'where’s my argument?') return remote, local, permission, vdir_list, limit_size, is_virtual = self.parse_path(arg) # can not do anything to virtual directory if is_virtual: permission = 'none' can_read, can_write, can_modify = 'read' in permission, 'write' in permission, 'modify' in permission newpath = local try: if cmd == 'CWD': if(os.path.isdir(newpath)): self.curr_dir = remote self.full_path = newpath self.message(250, ’'’ + remote + ’'’) else: self.message(550, 'failed') elif cmd == 'MDTM': if os.path.exists(newpath): self.message(213, time.strftime('%Y%m%d%I%M%S', time.localtime( os.path.getmtime(newpath)))) else: self.message(550, 'failed') elif cmd == 'SIZE': self.message(231, os.path.getsize(newpath)) elif cmd == 'XMKD' or cmd == 'MKD': if not can_modify: self.message(550, 'permission denied.') return os.mkdir(newpath) self.message(250, 'ok') elif cmd == 'RNFR': if not can_modify: self.message(550, 'permission denied.') return self.temp_path = newpath self.message(350, 'rename from ' + remote) elif cmd == 'RNTO': os.rename(self.temp_path, newpath) self.message(250, 'RNTO to ' + remote) elif cmd == 'XRMD' or cmd == 'RMD': if not can_modify: self.message(550, 'permission denied.') return os.rmdir(newpath) self.message(250, 'ok') elif cmd == 'DELE': if not can_modify: self.message(550, 'permission denied.') return os.remove(newpath) self.message(250, 'ok') elif cmd == 'RETR': if not os.path.isfile(newpath): self.message(550, 'failed') return if not can_read: self.message(550, 'permission denied.') return if not self.establish(): return self.message(150, 'ok') f = open(newpath, 'rb') while self.running: self.alive_time = time.time() data = f.read(8192) if len(data) == 0: break self.data_fd.send(data) f.close() self.data_fd.close() self.data_fd = 0 self.message(226, 'ok') elif cmd == 'STOR' or cmd == 'APPE': if not can_write: self.message(550, 'permission denied.') return if os.path.exists(newpath) and not can_modify: self.message(550, 'permission denied.') return # Check space size remained! used_size = 0 if limit_size > 0: used_size = self.get_dir_size(os.path.dirname(newpath)) if not self.establish(): return self.message(150, 'ok') f = open(newpath, ('ab' if cmd == 'APPE' else 'wb') ) while self.running: self.alive_time = time.time() data = self.data_fd.recv(8192) if len(data) == 0: break if limit_size > 0: used_size = used_size + len(data) if used_size > limit_size: break f.write(data) f.close() self.data_fd.close() self.data_fd = 0 if limit_size > 0 and used_size > limit_size: self.message(550, 'Exceeding user space limit: ' + str(limit_size) + ' bytes') else: self.message(226, 'ok') else: self.message(500, cmd + ' not implemented') except: self.message(550, 'failed.') def establish(self): if self.data_fd == 0: self.message(500, 'no data connection') return False if self.option_pasv: fd = self.data_fd.accept()[0] self.data_fd.close() self.data_fd = fd else: try: self.data_fd.connect((self.data_ip, self.data_port)) except: self.message(500, 'failed to establish data connection') return False return True def read_virtual(self, path): vdir_list = [] path = path + '/.xxftp/virtual' if os.path.isfile(path): for v in open(path, 'r').readlines(): items = v.split() items[1] = items[1].replace('$root', root_dir) vdir_list.append(items) return vdir_list def get_dir_size(self, folder): size = 0 for path, dirs, files in os.walk(folder): for f in files: size += os.path.getsize(os.path.join(path, f)) return size def read_size(self, path): size = 0 path = path + '/.xxftp/size' if os.path.isfile(path): size = int(open(path, 'r').readline()) return size def read_permission(self, path): permission = 'read,write,modify' path = path + '/.xxftp/permission' if os.path.isfile(path): permission = open(path, 'r').readline() return permission def parse_path(self, path): if path == '': path = '.' if path[0] != '/': path = self.curr_dir + '/' + path s = os.path.normpath(path).replace('', '/').split('/') local = self.home_dir # reset directory permission vdir_list = self.read_virtual(local) limit_size = self.read_size(local) permission = self.read_permission(local) remote = '' is_virtual = False for name in s: name = name.lstrip('.') if name == '': continue remote = remote + '/' + name is_virtual = False for v in vdir_list: if v[0] == name: permission = v[2] local = v[1] limit_size = self.read_size(local) is_virtual = True if not is_virtual: local = local + '/' + name vdir_list = self.read_virtual(local) return (remote, local, permission, vdir_list, limit_size, is_virtual) def run(self): ’’’ Connection Process ’’’ try: if len(conn_list) > max_connections: self.message(500, 'too many connections!') self.fd.close() self.running = False return # Welcome Message if os.path.exists(root_dir + '/xxftp.welcome'): self.message(220, open(root_dir + '/xxftp.welcome').read()) else: self.message(220, 'xxftp(Python) www.xiaoxia.org') # Command Loop line = '' while self.running: data = self.fd.recv(4096) if len(data) == 0: break line += data if line[-2:] != 'rn': continue line = line[:-2] space = line.find(' ') if space == -1: self.process(line, '') else: self.process(line[:space], line[space+1:]) line = '' except: print 'error', sys.exc_info() self.running = False self.fd.close() print 'connection end', self.fd, 'user', self.username def message(self, code, s): ’’’ Send Ftp Message ’’’ s = str(s).replace('r', '') ss = s.split('n') if len(ss) > 1: r = (str(code) + '-') + ('rn' + str(code) + '-').join(ss[:-1]) r += 'rn' + str(code) + ' ' + ss[-1] + 'rn' else: r = str(code) + ' ' + ss[0] + 'rn' if self.option_utf8: r = unicode(r, sys.getfilesystemencoding()).encode('utf8') self.fd.send(r) def server_listen(): global conn_list listen_fd = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) listen_fd.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) listen_fd.bind((listen_ip, listen_port)) listen_fd.listen(1024) conn_lock = threading.Lock() print 'ftpd is listening on ', listen_ip + ':' + str(listen_port) while True: conn_fd, remote_addr = listen_fd.accept() print 'connection from ', remote_addr, 'conn_list', len(conn_list) conn = FtpConnection(conn_fd) conn.start() conn_lock.acquire() conn_list.append(conn) # check timeout try: curr_time = time.time() for conn in conn_list: if int(curr_time - conn.alive_time) > conn_timeout: if conn.running == True: conn.fd.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) conn.running = False conn_list = [conn for conn in conn_list if conn.running] except: print sys.exc_info() conn_lock.release() def main(): server_listen() if __name__ == '__main__': main()



import socket,os,timeimport hashlib server =socket.socket()server.bind((’’,6666))server.listen()print('等待....')while True: conn,addr = server.accept() print('new conn:',conn) while True: data = conn.recv(1024) if not data: print('client is disconnection') break cmd,filename = data.decode().split() #记录指令和文件名 print(filename) #判断当前目录是否存在该文件,而且必须是文件,而不是目录 if os.path.isfile(filename): f = open(filename,’rb’) #m = hashlib.md5() # 创建md5 file_size = os.stat(filename).st_size #stat() 可以返回文件的大小值 conn.send((str(file_size)).encode()) # 发送文件大小 conn.recv(1024) #等待返回信息 for line in f: # m.updata(line) conn.send(line) #print('file md5',m.hexdigest()) #打印md5值 f.close()


标签: Python 编程