PHP扩展之针对搜索引擎的扩展(一)——Apache Solr
Solr扩展允许你在PHP5中有效的和Apache Solr服务器通话。
Solr扩展快速, 轻量级, 有允许PHP开发者和Solr服务器实例有效通话的特性丰富的库。
兼容APache Solr 1.3 和 1.4。
使用示例Example #1 启动文件的内容
<?php/* Solr服务器的主机域名*/define(’SOLR_SERVER_HOSTNAME’, ’’);/* 是否以安全模式运行 */define(’SOLR_SECURE’, true);/* 连接到的HTTP端口 */define(’SOLR_SERVER_PORT’, ((SOLR_SECURE) ? 8443 : 8983));/* HTTP 基本认证名 */define(’SOLR_SERVER_USERNAME’, ’admin’);/* HTTP 基本认证密码 */define(’SOLR_SERVER_PASSWORD’, ’changeit’);/* HTTP 连接超时 *//* http数据传输操作时有一个最大执行时间(秒),默认是30秒 */define(’SOLR_SERVER_TIMEOUT’, 10);/* File name to a PEM-formatted private key + private certificate */define(’SOLR_SSL_CERT’, ’certs/combo.pem’);/* File name to a PEM-formatted private certificate only */define(’SOLR_SSL_CERT_ONLY’, ’certs/solr.crt’);/* File name to a PEM-formatted private key */define(’SOLR_SSL_KEY’, ’certs/solr.key’);/* Password for PEM-formatted private key file */define(’SOLR_SSL_KEYPASSWORD’, ’StrongAndSecurePassword’);/* Name of file holding one or more CA certificates to verify peer with*/define(’SOLR_SSL_CAINFO’, ’certs/cacert.crt’);/* Name of directory holding multiple CA certificates to verify peer with */define(’SOLR_SSL_CAPATH’, ’certs/’);?>
Example #2 添加文档到索引
<?phpinclude 'bootstrap.php';$options = array( ’hostname’ => SOLR_SERVER_HOSTNAME, ’login’ => SOLR_SERVER_USERNAME, ’password’ => SOLR_SERVER_PASSWORD, ’port’ => SOLR_SERVER_PORT,);$client = new SolrClient($options);$doc = new SolrInputDocument();$doc->addField(’id’, 334455);$doc->addField(’cat’, ’Software’);$doc->addField(’cat’, ’Lucene’);$updateResponse = $client->addDocument($doc);print_r($updateResponse->getResponse());?>
SolrObject Object( [responseHeader] => SolrObject Object( [status] => 0 [QTime] => 446))
Example #3 合并一个文档到另一个文档
<?phpinclude 'bootstrap.php';$doc = new SolrDocument();$second_doc = new SolrDocument();$doc->addField(’id’, 1123);$doc->features = 'PHP Client Side';$doc->features = 'Fast development cycles';$doc[’cat’] = ’Software’;$doc[’cat’] = ’Custom Search’;$doc->cat = ’Information Technology’;$second_doc->addField(’cat’, ’Lucene Search’);$second_doc->merge($doc, true);print_r($second_doc->toArray());?>
Array( [document_boost] => 0 [field_count] => 3 [fields] => Array( [0] => SolrDocumentField Object( [name] => cat [boost] => 0 [values] => Array( [0] => Software [1] => Custom Search [2] => Information Technology)) [1] => SolrDocumentField Object( [name] => id [boost] => 0 [values] => Array( [0] => 1123)) [2] => SolrDocumentField Object( [name] => features [boost] => 0 [values] => Array( [0] => PHP Client Side [1] => Fast development cycles))))
Example #4 搜索文档 - SolrObject响应
<?phpinclude 'bootstrap.php';$options = array( ’hostname’ => SOLR_SERVER_HOSTNAME, ’login’ => SOLR_SERVER_USERNAME, ’password’ => SOLR_SERVER_PASSWORD, ’port’ => SOLR_SERVER_PORT,);$client = new SolrClient($options);$query = new SolrQuery();$query->setQuery(’lucene’);$query->setStart(0);$query->setRows(50);$query->addField(’cat’)->addField(’features’)->addField(’id’)->addField(’timestamp’);$query_response = $client->query($query);$response = $query_response->getResponse();print_r($response);?>
SolrObject Object( [responseHeader] => SolrObject Object( [status] => 0 [QTime] => 1 [params] => SolrObject Object( [wt] => xml [rows] => 50 [start] => 0 [indent] => on [q] => lucene [fl] => cat,features,id,timestamp [version] => 2.2)) [response] => SolrObject Object( [numFound] => 3 [start] => 0 [docs] => Array( [0] => SolrObject Object( [cat] => Array( [0] => Software [1] => Lucene) [id] => 334456) [1] => SolrObject Object( [cat] => Array( [0] => Software [1] => Lucene) [id] => 334455) [2] => SolrObject Object( [cat] => Array( [0] => software [1] => search) [features] => Array( [0] => Advanced Full-Text Search Capabilities using Lucene [1] => Optimized for High Volume Web Traffic [2] => Standards Based Open Interfaces - XML and HTTP [3] => Comprehensive HTML Administration Interfaces [4] => Scalability - Efficient Replication to other Solr Search Servers [5] => Flexible and Adaptable with XML configuration and Schema [6] => Good unicode support: héllo (hello with an accent over the e)) [id] => SOLR1000 [timestamp] => 2009-09-04T20:38:55.906))))
Example #5 搜索文档 - SolrDocument响应
<?phpinclude 'bootstrap.php';$options = array( ’hostname’ => SOLR_SERVER_HOSTNAME, ’login’ => SOLR_SERVER_USERNAME, ’password’ => SOLR_SERVER_PASSWORD, ’port’ => SOLR_SERVER_PORT,);$client = new SolrClient($options);$query = new SolrQuery();$query->setQuery(’lucene’);$query->setStart(0);$query->setRows(50);$query->addField(’cat’)->addField(’features’)->addField(’id’)->addField(’timestamp’);$query_response = $client->query($query);$query_response->setParseMode(SolrQueryResponse::PARSE_SOLR_DOC);$response = $query_response->getResponse();print_r($response);?>
SolrObject Object( [responseHeader] => SolrObject Object( [status] => 0 [QTime] => 1 [params] => SolrObject Object( [wt] => xml [rows] => 50 [start] => 0 [indent] => on [q] => lucene [fl] => cat,features,id,timestamp [version] => 2.2)) [response] => SolrObject Object( [numFound] => 3 [start] => 0 [docs] => Array( [0] => SolrDocument Object( [_hashtable_index:SolrDocument:private] => 19740) [1] => SolrDocument Object( [_hashtable_index:SolrDocument:private] => 25485) [2] => SolrDocument Object( [_hashtable_index:SolrDocument:private] => 25052))))
Example #6 简单 TermsComponent 实例 - 基本
<?phpinclude 'bootstrap.php';$options = array( ’hostname’ => SOLR_SERVER_HOSTNAME, ’login’ => SOLR_SERVER_USERNAME, ’password’ => SOLR_SERVER_PASSWORD, ’port’ => SOLR_SERVER_PORT,);$client = new SolrClient($options);$query = new SolrQuery();$query->setTerms(true);$query->setTermsField(’cat’);$updateResponse = $client->query($query);print_r($updateResponse->getResponse());?>
SolrObject Object( [responseHeader] => SolrObject Object( [status] => 0 [QTime] => 2) [terms] => SolrObject Object( [cat] => SolrObject Object( [electronics] => 14 [Lucene] => 4 [Software] => 4 [memory] => 3 [card] => 2 [connector] => 2 [drive] => 2 [graphics] => 2 [hard] => 2 [monitor] => 2)))
Example #7 简单 TermsComponent 实例 - 使用前缀
<?phpinclude 'bootstrap.php';$options = array( ’hostname’ => SOLR_SERVER_HOSTNAME, ’login’ => SOLR_SERVER_USERNAME, ’password’ => SOLR_SERVER_PASSWORD, ’port’ => SOLR_SERVER_PORT,);$client = new SolrClient($options);$query = new SolrQuery();$query->setTerms(true);/* Return only terms starting with $prefix */$prefix = ’c’;$query->setTermsField(’cat’)->setTermsPrefix($prefix);$updateResponse = $client->query($query);print_r($updateResponse->getResponse());?>
SolrObject Object( [responseHeader] => SolrObject Object( [status] => 0 [QTime] => 1) [terms] => SolrObject Object( [cat] => SolrObject Object( [card] => 2 [connector] => 2 [camera] => 1 [copier] => 1)))
Example #8 简单 TermsComponent 实例 - 指定最小频率
<?phpinclude 'bootstrap.php';$options = array( ’hostname’ => SOLR_SERVER_HOSTNAME, ’login’ => SOLR_SERVER_USERNAME, ’password’ => SOLR_SERVER_PASSWORD, ’port’ => SOLR_SERVER_PORT,);$client = new SolrClient($options);$query = new SolrQuery();$query->setTerms(true);/* Return only terms starting with $prefix */$prefix = ’c’;/* Return only terms with a frequency of 2 or greater */$min_frequency = 2;$query->setTermsField(’cat’)->setTermsPrefix($prefix)->setTermsMinCount($min_frequency);$updateResponse = $client->query($query);print_r($updateResponse->getResponse());?>
SolrObject Object( [responseHeader] => SolrObject Object( [status] => 0 [QTime] => 0) [terms] => SolrObject Object( [cat] => SolrObject Object( [card] => 2 [connector] => 2)))
Example #9 简单 Facet 实例
<?phpinclude 'bootstrap.php';$options = array( ’hostname’ => SOLR_SERVER_HOSTNAME, ’login’ => SOLR_SERVER_USERNAME, ’password’ => SOLR_SERVER_PASSWORD, ’port’ => SOLR_SERVER_PORT,);$client = new SolrClient($options);$query = new SolrQuery(’*:*’);$query->setFacet(true);$query->addFacetField(’cat’)->addFacetField(’name’)->setFacetMinCount(2);$updateResponse = $client->query($query);$response_array = $updateResponse->getResponse();$facet_data = $response_array->facet_counts->facet_fields;print_r($facet_data);?>
SolrObject Object( [cat] => SolrObject Object( [electronics] => 14 [memory] => 3 [Lucene] => 2 [Software] => 2 [card] => 2 [connector] => 2 [drive] => 2 [graphics] => 2 [hard] => 2 [monitor] => 2 [search] => 2 [software] => 2) [name] => SolrObject Object( [gb] => 6 [1] => 3 [184] => 3 [2] => 3 [3200] => 3 [400] => 3 [500] => 3 [ddr] => 3 [i] => 3 [ipod] => 3 [memori] => 3 [pc] => 3 [pin] => 3 [pod] => 3 [sdram] => 3 [system] => 3 [unbuff] => 3 [canon] => 2 [corsair] => 2 [drive] => 2 [hard] => 2 [mb] => 2 [n] => 2 [power] => 2 [retail] => 2 [video] => 2 [x] => 2))
Example #10 简单 Facet 实例 - 使用可选字段重写 mincount
<?phpinclude 'bootstrap.php';$options = array( ’hostname’ => SOLR_SERVER_HOSTNAME, ’login’ => SOLR_SERVER_USERNAME, ’password’ => SOLR_SERVER_PASSWORD, ’port’ => SOLR_SERVER_PORT,);$client = new SolrClient($options);$query = new SolrQuery(’*:*’);$query->setFacet(true);$query->addFacetField(’cat’)->addFacetField(’name’)->setFacetMinCount(2)->setFacetMinCount(4, ’name’);$updateResponse = $client->query($query);$response_array = $updateResponse->getResponse();$facet_data = $response_array->facet_counts->facet_fields;print_r($facet_data);?>
SolrObject Object( [cat] => SolrObject Object( [electronics] => 14 [memory] => 3 [Lucene] => 2 [Software] => 2 [card] => 2 [connector] => 2 [drive] => 2 [graphics] => 2 [hard] => 2 [monitor] => 2 [search] => 2 [software] => 2) [name] => SolrObject Object( [gb] => 6))
Example #11 连接到 SSL-Enabled 服务器
<?phpinclude 'bootstrap.php';$options = array( ’hostname’ => SOLR_SERVER_HOSTNAME, ’login’ => SOLR_SERVER_USERNAME, ’password’ => SOLR_SERVER_PASSWORD, ’port’ => SOLR_SERVER_PORT, ’timeout’ => SOLR_SERVER_TIMEOUT, ’secure’ => SOLR_SECURE, ’ssl_cert’ => SOLR_SSL_CERT_ONLY, ’ssl_key’ => SOLR_SSL_KEY, ’ssl_keypassword’ => SOLR_SSL_KEYPASSWORD, ’ssl_cainfo’ => SOLR_SSL_CAINFO,);$client = new SolrClient($options);$query = new SolrQuery(’*:*’);$query->setFacet(true);$query->addFacetField(’cat’)->addFacetField(’name’)->setFacetMinCount(2)->setFacetMinCount(4, ’name’);$updateResponse = $client->query($query);$response_array = $updateResponse->getResponse();$facet_data = $response_array->facet_counts->facet_fields;print_r($facet_data);?>
SolrObject Object( [cat] => SolrObject Object( [electronics] => 14 [memory] => 3 [Lucene] => 2 [Software] => 2 [card] => 2 [connector] => 2 [drive] => 2 [graphics] => 2 [hard] => 2 [monitor] => 2 [search] => 2 [software] => 2) [name] => SolrObject Object( [gb] => 6))