
使用Vue+Django+Ant Design做一个留言评论模块的示例代码

【字号: 日期:2023-01-17 08:17:55浏览:3作者:猪猪



使用Vue+Django+Ant Design做一个留言评论模块的示例代码



使用Vue+Django+Ant Design做一个留言评论模块的示例代码

使用Vue+Django+Ant Design做一个留言评论模块的示例代码


使用Vue+Django+Ant Design做一个留言评论模块的示例代码


CREATE TABLE `message` ( `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `date` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `content` text NOT NULL, `parent_msg_id` int DEFAULT NULL, `user_id` int NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `user_id` (`user_id`), KEY `message_ibfk_1` (`parent_msg_id`), CONSTRAINT `message_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`parent_msg_id`) REFERENCES `message` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT `message_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`user_id`) REFERENCES `user` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=18 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8CREATE TABLE `user` ( `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `username` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `password` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `identity` varchar(20) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `username` (`username`)) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=10 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8




# 获取留言信息@require_http_methods([’GET’])def findAllMsg(request): response = {} try: sql = ’’’ SELECT msg1.*, user.username, msg2.username AS parent_msg_username FROM message msg1 LEFT JOIN (SELECT m.id, user.username FROM message m LEFT JOIN USER ON m.user_id = user.id )AS msg2 ON msg1.parent_msg_id = msg2.id LEFT JOIN USER ON msg1.user_id = user.id ORDER BY msg1.date DESC; ’’’ with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(sql) response[’messages’] = sortMsg(cursor) response[’status_code’] = 200 except Exception as e: response[’status_code’] = 500 response[’error’] = e return JsonResponse(response)


使用Vue+Django+Ant Design做一个留言评论模块的示例代码


# 整理留言信息返回格式def sortMsg(cursor): list = [] allMsg = dictfetchall(cursor) for i in range(len(allMsg)): tmpParent = allMsg[i] tmpChild = [] # 如果没有属于根评论,则搜索该评论下的所有子评论 if tmpParent.get(’parent_msg_id’) == None: tmpChild = bfs(tmpParent, allMsg) # 如果是子评论则跳过,子评论最终会出现在根评论的子节点中 else: continue tmpParent[’children’] = tmpChild # 格式化时间 tmpParent[’date’] = datetime.datetime.strftime(tmpParent[’date’], ’%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S’) list.append(tmpParent) return list# 搜索一条留言的所有子留言,广度优先import queuedef bfs(parent, allMsg): childrenList = [] q = queue.Queue() q.put(parent) while(not q.empty()): tmpChild = q.get() for i in range(len(allMsg)): if allMsg[i][’parent_msg_id’] is not None and allMsg[i][’parent_msg_id’] == tmpChild[’id’]:childrenList.append(allMsg[i])q.put(allMsg[i]) # 子留言列表按时间降序排序 childrenList = sorted(childrenList, key = lambda d: d[’date’], reverse = True) # 格式化日期格式 for item in childrenList: item[’date’] = datetime.datetime.strftime(item[’date’], ’%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S’) return childrenList


{ 'messages': [ { 'id': 12, 'date': '2020-05-31 12:19:43', 'content': '你好啊,太棒了', 'parent_msg_id': null, 'user_id': 5, 'username': 'wangwu', 'parent_msg_username': null, 'children': [] }, { 'id': 11, 'date': '2020-05-31 12:18:55', 'content': '的时刻层6666666632n2面的思考名称看到什么材料是isdafjoisdjiojildsc', 'parent_msg_id': null, 'user_id': 3, 'username': 'zhangsan', 'parent_msg_username': null, 'children': [] }, { 'id': 5, 'date': '2020-05-29 19:09:33', 'content': '发的发射点发吖方吖是发是呵等方5爱的非4阿瑟东方 发', 'parent_msg_id': null, 'user_id': 4, 'username': 'lisi', 'parent_msg_username': null, 'children': [{ 'id': 13, 'date': '2020-05-31 12:20:12', 'content': '号好好好矮好矮好矮好好', 'parent_msg_id': 5, 'user_id': 6, 'username': 'zhaoliu', 'parent_msg_username': 'lisi'} ] }, { 'id': 1, 'date': '2020-05-29 19:06:21', 'content': 'fasfdsafas法阿萨德方吖65阿瑟东方5是的发', 'parent_msg_id': null, 'user_id': 1, 'username': 'student', 'parent_msg_username': null, 'children': [{ 'id': 7, 'date': '2020-05-29 19:29:29', 'content': 'hfhf2h22h222223232', 'parent_msg_id': 6, 'user_id': 1, 'username': 'student', 'parent_msg_username': 'zhaoliu'},{ 'id': 6, 'date': '2020-05-29 19:09:56', 'content': '而离开离开邻居哦i据哦i报价哦v保健品45465', 'parent_msg_id': 4, 'user_id': 6, 'username': 'zhaoliu', 'parent_msg_username': 'mike'},{ 'id': 4, 'date': '2020-05-29 19:09:14', 'content': '发送端非场地萨擦手d5asd32 1dadsrndsac十多次ds出错', 'parent_msg_id': 2, 'user_id': 8, 'username': 'mike', 'parent_msg_username': 'lisi'},{ 'id': 3, 'date': '2020-05-29 19:08:56', 'content': '奋发恶法撒打发士大夫士大夫是大 大师傅撒', 'parent_msg_id': 2, 'user_id': 2, 'username': 'teacher', 'parent_msg_username': 'lisi'},{ 'id': 2, 'date': '2020-05-29 19:08:41', 'content': 'fasdfasdf发生的法撒旦飞洒多发点房地产', 'parent_msg_id': 1, 'user_id': 4, 'username': 'lisi', 'parent_msg_username': 'student'} ] } ], 'status_code': 200}



# 递归搜索一条留言的所有子留言,深度优先def dfs(parent, allMsg): childrenList = [] for i in range(len(allMsg)): if allMsg[i][’parent_msg_id’] is not None and allMsg[i][’parent_msg_id’] == parent[’id’]: allMsg[i][’children’] = dfs(allMsg[i], allMsg) childrenList.append(allMsg[i]) return childrenList


{ 'messages': [ { 'id': 5, 'date': '2020-05-29 19:09:33', 'content': '发的发射点发吖方吖是发是呵等方5爱的非4阿瑟东方 发', 'parent_msg_id': null, 'user_id': 4, 'username': 'lisi', 'children': [{ 'id': 8, 'date': '2020-05-29T17:23:37', 'content': '哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈呵呵呵呵呵呵', 'parent_msg_id': 5, 'user_id': 3, 'username': 'zhangsan', 'children': []} ] }, { 'id': 1, 'date': '2020-05-29 19:06:21', 'content': 'fasfdsafas法阿萨德方吖65阿瑟东方5是的发', 'parent_msg_id': null, 'user_id': 1, 'username': 'student', 'children': [{ 'id': 2, 'date': '2020-05-29T19:08:41', 'content': 'fasdfasdf发生的法撒旦飞洒多发点房地产', 'parent_msg_id': 1, 'user_id': 4, 'username': 'lisi', 'children': [ { 'id': 4, 'date': '2020-05-29T19:09:14', 'content': '发送端非场地萨擦手d5asd32 1dadsrndsac十多次ds出错', 'parent_msg_id': 2, 'user_id': 8, 'username': 'mike', 'children': [{ 'id': 6, 'date': '2020-05-29T19:09:56', 'content': '而离开离开邻居哦i据哦i报价哦v保健品45465', 'parent_msg_id': 4, 'user_id': 6, 'username': 'zhaoliu', 'children': [ { 'id': 7, 'date': '2020-05-29T19:29:29', 'content': 'hfhf2h22h222223232', 'parent_msg_id': 6, 'user_id': 1, 'username': 'student', 'children': [] } ]} ] }, { 'id': 3, 'date': '2020-05-29T19:08:56', 'content': '奋发恶法撒打发士大夫士大夫是大 大师傅撒', 'parent_msg_id': 2, 'user_id': 2, 'username': 'teacher', 'children': [] }, { 'id': 9, 'date': '2020-05-29T17:27:13', 'content': 'alalla啦啦啦啦啦啦来的队列李大水泛滥的萨拉发 的 第三方哈l', 'parent_msg_id': 2, 'user_id': 7, 'username': 'joke', 'children': [] } ]} ] } ], 'status_code': 200}


2.2 新增留言接口


import datetime@require_http_methods([’POST’])def insertMsg(request): response = {} try: request.POST = request.POST.copy() request.POST[’date’] = datetime.datetime.now() msg = Message() msg.date = request.POST.get(’date’) msg.content = request.POST.get(’content’) msg.parent_msg_id = request.POST.get(’parent_msg_id’) msg.user_id = request.POST.get(’user_id’) msg.save() response[’msg’] = ’success’ response[’status_code’] = 200 except Exception as e: response[’error’] = str(e) response[’status_code’] = 500 return JsonResponse(response)



留言板块的设计我使用了Ant Design的留言组件。



<template> <div> <comment-message @handleReply='handleReply' :commentList='comments'></comment-message> <comment-area @reload='reload' :parentMsgId='replyMsgId' :replyMsgUsername='replyMsgUsername'></comment-area> </div></template><script>import CommentMessage from 'components/common/comment/CommentMessage';import CommentArea from 'components/common/comment/CommentArea';import { findAllMsg } from 'network/ajax';export default { name: 'Message', components: { CommentMessage, CommentArea }, data() { return { comments: [], replyMsgId: '', replyMsgUsername: '' }; }, mounted() { findAllMsg() .then(res => { this.comments = res.data.messages; }) .catch(err => { console.log(err); this.$router.push('/500'); }); }, methods: { handleReply(data) { this.replyMsgId = data.msgId; this.replyMsgUsername = data.msgUsername; }, reload() { this.$emit('reload') } }};</script><style></style>

3.2 留言区域组件CommentMessage.vue:

<template> <div id='commentMsg'> <div v-if='isEmpty(commentList)' class='head-message'>暂无留言内容</div> <div v-else class='head-message'>留言内容</div> <comment @handleReply='handleReply' v-for='(item1, index) in commentList' :key='’parent-’ + index' :comment='item1' > <!-- 二层留言 --> <template #childComment v-if='!isEmpty(item1.children)'> <comment v-for='(item2, index) in item1.children' :key='’children-’ + index' :comment='item2' @handleReply='handleReply' ></comment> </template> </comment> </div></template><script>import Comment from './Comment';import Vue from 'vue';export default { name: 'CommentMessage', components: { Comment }, props: { commentList: { type: Array, default: [] } }, methods: { isEmpty(ls) { return ls.length === 0; }, handleReply(data) { this.$emit('handleReply', { msgId: data.msgId, msgUsername: data.msgUsername }); } }};</script><style scoped>.head-message { font-size: 20px; text-align: center;}</style>

3.3 留言区域由多个Comment留言组件所构成,留言组件定义如下

<template> <a-comment> <span slot='actions' key='comment-basic-reply-to' @click='handlReply(comment.id, comment.username)' > <a href='https://www.haobala.com/bcjs/11442.html#my-textarea'>回复</a> </span> <a slot='author' style='font-size: 15px'>{{comment.username}}</a> <a v-if='comment.parent_msg_username' slot='author' >@{{comment.parent_msg_username}}</a> <a-avatar slot='avatar' :src='https://www.haobala.com/bcjs/require(’assets/images/login_logo.png’)' alt /> <p slot='content'>{{comment.content}}</p> <a-tooltip slot='datetime'> <span>{{comment.date}}</span> </a-tooltip> <slot name='childComment'></slot> </a-comment></template><script>export default { name: 'Comment', props: { comment: '' }, methods: { handlReply(msgId, msgUsername) { this.$emit('handleReply', { msgId, msgUsername }); } }};</script><style scoped>.reply-to { padding-left: 5px; color: #409eff; font-weight: 500; font-size: 15px;}</style>

3.4 添加留言或回复的表单组件CommentArea.vue

<template> <div> <a-comment id='comment-area'> <a-avatar slot='avatar' :src='https://www.haobala.com/bcjs/require(’assets/images/login_logo.png’)' alt='Han Solo' /> <div slot='content'> <a-form-item> <a-textarea :rows='4' v-model='content' /> </a-form-item> <a-form-item> <a-button html-type='submit' :loading='submitting' type='primary' @click='handleSubmit' >添加留言</a-button> </a-form-item> </div> </a-comment> </div></template><script>import {insertMsg} from ’network/ajax.js’export default { data() { return { content: '', submitting: false }; }, props: { parentMsgId: '', replyMsgUsername: '' }, watch: { replyMsgUsername() { document .querySelector('#my-textarea') .setAttribute('placeholder', '回复: ' + '@' + this.replyMsgUsername); } }, methods: { handleSubmit() { if (!this.content) { return; } this.submitting = true; insertMsg(this.content, this.parentMsgId, this.$store.state.userId).then(res => { this.submitting = false; this.content = ''; document .querySelector('#my-textarea') .setAttribute('placeholder', ’’); this.$emit(’reload’) }).catch(err => { console.log(err); this.$router.push(’/500’) }) }, handleChange(e) { this.value = e.target.value; } }};</script>



使用Vue+Django+Ant Design做一个留言评论模块的示例代码


使用Vue+Django+Ant Design做一个留言评论模块的示例代码


局部刷新的实现就是通过代码中的自定义事件 reload ,具体就是从表单组件开始发送 reload 事件,其父组件 Message.vue 收到后,再继续发送 reload 事件给外层的视图Home.vue,Home的再外层就是App.vue了,Home.vue的定义如下:

<template> <el-container class='main-el-container'> <!-- 侧边栏 --> <el-aside class='main-el-aside'> <side-bar></side-bar> </el-aside> <!-- 主体部分 --> <el-main> <el-main> <router-view @reload='reload' v-if='isRouterAlive'></router-view> </el-main> </el-main> </el-container></template><script>import SideBar from 'components/common/sidebar/SideBar';export default { name: 'Home', components: { SideBar }, data() { return { isRouterAlive: true }; }, props: { isReload: '' }, watch: { isReload() { this.reload(); } }, methods: { reload() { this.isRouterAlive = false; this.$nextTick(() => { this.isRouterAlive = true; }); } }};</script><style scoped>.main-el-container { height: 750px; border: 1px solid #eee;}.main-el-aside { background-color: rgb(238, 241, 246);}</style>


到此这篇关于使用Vue+Django+Ant Design做一个留言评论模块的示例代码的文章就介绍到这了,更多相关Vue+Django+Ant Design留言评论内容请搜索好吧啦网以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章希望大家以后多多支持好吧啦网!

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