

【字号: 日期:2023-02-09 13:43:28浏览:10作者:猪猪



cnpm i -S vue-uuid ali-oss



<!--UploadImageVideo 分片上传 --><template> <div class='UploadImageVideo'> <el-upload action :on-change='handleChange' :on-remove='handleRemove' :limit='limitFileNumber' :on-exceed='handleExceed' :file-list='_fileList' :http-request='handleHttpRequest' :before-upload='handleBeforeUpload' :multiple='isMultiple' > <el-button slot='trigger' size='small' type='primary'>选择文件</el-button> <div slot='tip' class='el-upload__tip'>{{ tip }}</div> </el-upload> <el-dialog :visible.sync='dialogTableVisible' :close-on-click-modal='false' :modal-append-to-body='false' > <el-progress :text-inside='true' :stroke- :percentage='percentage'></el-progress> </el-dialog> </div></template> <script>import { uuid } from 'vue-uuid';const OSS = require('ali-oss'); export default { name: '', components: {}, props: { region: { type: String, default: 'oss-cn-chengdu' }, accessKeyId: { type: String, default: 'xxx' }, accessKeySecret: { type: String, default: 'xxx' }, //存储位置 bucket: { type: String, required: true }, currentUrls: { type: Array, default: () => [], required: true }, //限制上传文件数量 limitFileNumber: { type: Number, default: 1 }, //是否支持多选 isMultiple: { type: Boolean, default: false }, //文件格式 fileType: { type: String, default: '' }, //提示 tip: { type: String } }, data() { return { client: new OSS({region: this.region,accessKeyId: this.accessKeyId,accessKeySecret: this.accessKeySecret,bucket: this.bucket }), percentage: 0, dialogTableVisible: false, fileList: [] }; }, computed: { //注意:计算属性里面慎用console.log()来打印,因为有可能打印的变量是依赖某个属性而出现该计算属性重复调用!!!!!! _fileList() { const arr = []; //一定要this.currentUrls判断一下是否非空,否则要报错 if (this.currentUrls.length !== 0) {for (const item of this.currentUrls) { let { pathname } = new URL(item); arr.push({ name: decodeURIComponent(pathname), url: item });} } this.fileList = arr; //这行代码很重要!! return arr; } }, created() {}, mounted() {}, methods: { handleChange(file, fileList) { this.fileList = fileList; }, handleRemove(file, fileList) { this.fileList = fileList; }, handleExceed(files, fileList) { this.$message.warning(`当前限制选择 ${this.limitFileNumber} 个文件,本次选择了 ${ files.length} 个文件,共选择了 ${files.length + fileList.length} 个文件` ); }, //注意:为了让自定义上传handleHttpRequest生效,需满足: // 1、设置:auto-upload=’true’或者不写这个属性,因为它默认为true 2、设置action=’#’或者直接写action handleHttpRequest(file) { //虽然没有内容,但是这个函数不能少! }, //注意:自定义上传handleHttpRequest必须要生效,才会触发before-upload钩子函数 handleBeforeUpload(file) { if (this.fileType == 'image') {let { type, size, name } = file;let isJPEG = type === 'image/jpeg';let isJPG = type === 'image/jpg';let isPNG = type === 'image/png';let isLt5M = size / 1024 / 1024 < 5;if (!isJPEG && !isJPG && !isPNG) { this.$message.error('上传图片只能是 JPEG/JPG/PNG 格式!'); return false;}if (!isLt5M) { this.$message.error('单张图片大小不能超过 5MB!'); return false;} } if (this.fileType == 'video') {let { type, size, name } = file;let isMP4 = type === 'video/mp4';let isLt50M = size / 1024 / 1024 < 50;if (!isMP4) { this.$message.error('上传视频只能是 MP4 格式!'); return false;}if (!isLt50M) { this.$message.error('单个视频大小不能超过 50MB!'); return false;} } }, // 分片上传数据,可展示进度条。上传重命名后的文件到alioss, 并返回单个文件url字符串。可支持中文文件名 async UploadImageVideo(filename, file) { let newFileName =filename.split('.')[0] + '-' + uuid.v1() + '.' + filename.split('.')[1]; let that = this; that.dialogTableVisible = true; let {res: { requestUrls } } = await this.client.multipartUpload(newFileName, file, {progress: function(p, checkpoint) { that.percentage = parseFloat((p * 100).toFixed(2));} }); if (that.percentage == 100) {that.dialogTableVisible = false; } let { origin, pathname } = new URL(requestUrls[0]); return origin + decodeURIComponent(pathname); }, //批量上传文件。返回成功上传的url数组 async addFiles() { let urls = []; if (this.fileList.length !== 0) {for (const item of this.fileList) { let { name, raw } = item; let pathname = await this.UploadImageVideo(name, raw); urls.push(pathname);} } return urls; }, //更新文件数据。上传新数据到服务器,并删除服务器中的旧数据,返回更新后的url数组 async UpdateFiles() { let arr_newUploaded = []; //新上传的图片url。 let arr_original = []; //原有的图片url。不用删除 let arr_delete = []; //需要删除的图片url。 if (this.fileList.length !== 0) {for (const { raw, name, url } of this.fileList) { //注意:这里一定要判断raw是否存在。存在,则表示是新上传的;不存在,则表示是原有的 if (raw) { let pathname = await this.UploadImageVideo(name, raw); arr_newUploaded.push(pathname); } if (this.currentUrls.includes(url)) { arr_original.push(url); }} } for (const element of this.currentUrls) {if (!arr_original.includes(element)) { arr_delete.push(element);} } await this.deleteMultiFiles(arr_delete); return [...arr_original, ...arr_newUploaded]; }, //批量删除服务器中的文件。参数:待删除到服务器文件url数组。 async deleteMultiFiles(urls = []) { let arr_pathname = []; if (urls.length !== 0) {for (const item of urls) { //不要用let url=require('url');url.parse();已失效。要用new URL() let { pathname } = new URL(item); // decodeURIComponent()函数将中文乱码转为中文 arr_pathname.push(decodeURIComponent(pathname));}//删除服务器中的图片await this.client.deleteMulti(arr_pathname); } } }, watch: {}};</script> <style lang='scss' scoped>.UploadImageVideo { /*去除upload组件过渡效果*/ ::v-deep .el-upload-list__item { transition: none !important; }}</style>


<UploadImageVideo ref='ref_UploadImageVideo' bucket='xxx' :currentUrls='formData.imgurl' :limitFileNumber='3' tip='1、最多上传3张照片; 2、上传图片只能是 JPEG/JPG/PNG 格式; 3、单张图片大小不能超过 5MB!' fileType='image' :isMultiple='true'></UploadImageVideo> fileType可选。默认不写,表示图片、视频都可上传。fileType='image'表示只能上传图片。fileType='video'表示只能上传视频 bucket必选。 isMultiple可选。默认为false currentUrls必选。当前目前已有的文件服务器url数组。通常新增文件时,传入的currentUrls为空数组[];更新文件时,传入到currentUrls为非空数组 tip可选。提示内容


UpdateFiles()。更新文件数据。上传新数据到服务器,并删除服务器中的旧数据,返回更新后的url数组 addFiles()。批量上传文件。返回成功上传的url数组 deleteMultiFiles(urls = [])。批量删除服务器中的文件。参数:待删除到服务器文件url数组。 UploadImageVideo(filename, file)。分片上传数据,可展示进度条。上传重命名后的文件到alioss, 并返回单个文件url字符串。可支持中文文件名

调用组件中的方法:例如可通过 let urls = await this.$refs['ref_UploadImageVideo'].addFiles();调用批量上传图片或视频的方法


Vue组件封装上传图片和视频的示例代码Vue组件封装上传图片和视频的示例代码 Vue组件封装上传图片和视频的示例代码

<!--userManage--><template> <div class='userManage'> <el-card> <div style='margin-bottom: 10px'><el-input v-model='searchName' clearable placeholder='输入用户名称搜索' /><el-button sizi='mini' type='success' icon='el-icon-search' @click='searchUser(searchName)'>搜索</el-button><el-button sizi='mini' type='warning' icon='el-icon-refresh-left' @click='searchName = ’’'>重置</el-button><el-button sizi='mini' @click='handleAdd()' type='primary' icon='el-icon-plus'>新增</el-button><el-button @click='getUserList()' sizi='mini' icon='el-icon-refresh' style='float: right'>刷新</el-button> </div> <el-table :data='tableData' border v-loading='isLoading'><el-table-column label='用户名' prop='username' width='150px'></el-table-column><el-table-column label='密码' prop='password' align='center'></el-table-column><el-table-column label='图片' align='center'> <template slot-scope='scope'> <div > <el-image v-for='(item, index) in scope.row.imgurl':key='index':src='https://www.haobala.com/bcjs/item':preview-src-list='scope.row.imgurl' ></el-image> <!-- <a :href='https://www.haobala.com/bcjs/scope.row.imgurl' rel='external nofollow' target='_blank'>{{scope.row.imgurl}}</a> --> </div> </template></el-table-column><el-table-column label='操作' align='center'> <template slot-scope='scope'> <el-button size='mini' @click='showEditDialog(scope.row)'> <i /> 编辑 </el-button> <el-button size='mini' type='danger' @click='handleDelete(scope.row)'> <i /> 删除 </el-button> </template></el-table-column> </el-table> </el-card> <UserManageDialog :dialog='dialog' :formData='formData' @addUser='addUser' @editUser='editUser'></UserManageDialog> </div></template> <script>import UserManageDialog from './userManageDialog.vue';import { client_alioss, deleteMultiFiles } from '@/utils/alioss.js'; import { addUser, getUserList, editUser, deleteUser, searchUser} from '@/api/userManage/index';export default { name: 'userManage', components: { UserManageDialog }, data() { return { searchName: '', isLoading: false, dialog: {show: false,title: '' }, formData: {}, tableData: [{ _id: '', username: 'admin', password: '123', imgurl: []} ], currentImgs: [] }; }, props: {}, created() {}, mounted() { this.getUserList(); }, computed: {}, methods: { //获取用户列表 async getUserList() { this.isLoading = true; let { data } = await getUserList(); this.tableData = data.data; this.isLoading = false; }, //打开新增用户窗口 handleAdd() { this.dialog = {show: true,title: '新增用户',option: 'add' }; this.formData = {username: '',password: '',imgurl: [] }; }, //打开编辑用户窗口 showEditDialog(row) { this.currentImgs = row.imgurl; this.dialog = {show: true,title: '编辑用户',option: 'edit' }; this.formData = {_id: row._id,username: row.username,password: row.password,imgurl: row.imgurl }; }, //新增用户 async addUser(urls) { this.formData.imgurl = urls; await addUser(this.formData); this.dialog.show = false; this.$notify({title: '成功',message: '新增用户成功!',type: 'success' }); this.getUserList(); }, //编辑用户 async editUser(urls) { this.formData.imgurl = urls; await editUser(this.formData, this.formData._id); //更新数据库,尤其是图片url this.dialog.show = false; this.$notify({title: '成功',message: '编辑用户成功!',type: 'success' }); this.getUserList(); }, //删除用户 handleDelete({ _id }) { this.$confirm('此操作将永久删除该文件, 是否继续?', '提示', {confirmButtonText: '确定',cancelButtonText: '取消',type: 'warning' }).then(async () => { this.$message({ type: 'success', message: '删除成功!', showClose: true }); let { data: { imgurl } } = await deleteUser(_id); //删除服务器中的文件。传入待删除的url数组 await deleteMultiFiles(imgurl); this.getUserList();}).catch(() => { this.$message({ type: 'info', message: '已取消删除', showClose: true });}); }, //根据用户名查询 async searchUser(searchName) { this.isLoading = true; let { data } = await searchUser({searchName }); this.tableData = data.data; this.isLoading = false; } }, watch: {}};</script> <style lang='scss' scoped>.userManage {}</style>


<!--userManageDialog --><template> <div class='userManageDialog'> <el-dialog :title='dialog.title' :visible.sync='dialog.show' v-if='dialog.show'> <el-form ref='ref_form_userManage' :model='formData' :rules='rules' label-width='100px'><el-form-item label='用户名' prop='username'> <el-input v-model='formData.username' autocomplete='off' style='width: 90%'></el-input></el-form-item><el-form-item label='密码' prop='password'> <el-input v-model='formData.password' autocomplete='off' style='width: 90%'></el-input></el-form-item><el-form-item label='图片' prop='imgurl'> <!-- fileType属性不写的话,表示图片、视频都可上传。fileType='image'表示只能上传图片。fileType='video'表示只能上传视频 --> <UploadImageVideo ref='ref_UploadImageVideo' bucket='bucket-lijiang-test' :currentUrls='formData.imgurl' :limitFileNumber='3' tip='1、最多上传3张照片; 2、上传图片只能是 JPEG/JPG/PNG 格式; 3、单张图片大小不能超过 5MB!' fileType='image' :isMultiple='true' ></UploadImageVideo></el-form-item> </el-form> <div slot='footer' class='dialog-footer'><el-button @click='dialog.show = false'>取 消</el-button><el-button v-if='dialog.option == ’add’' @click='addUser(’ref_form_userManage’)' type='primary'>确 定</el-button><el-button v-if='dialog.option == ’edit’' @click='editUser(’ref_form_userManage’)' type='primary'>确 定</el-button> </div> </el-dialog> </div></template> <script>import UploadImageVideo from '@/components/UploadImageVideo'; export default { name: 'userManageDialog', components: { UploadImageVideo }, props: ['dialog', 'formData'], data() { return { fileList: [], rules: {username: [ { required: true, message: '请输入用户名称', trigger: 'blur' }] } }; }, created() {}, mounted() {}, computed: {}, methods: { addUser(formName) { this.$refs[formName].validate(async valid => {if (valid) { let urls = await this.$refs['ref_UploadImageVideo'].addFiles(); this.$emit('addUser', urls);} else { console.log('error submit!!'); return false;} }); }, editUser(formName) { this.$refs[formName].validate(async valid => {if (valid) { let urls = await this.$refs['ref_UploadImageVideo'].UpdateFiles(); this.$emit('editUser', urls);} else { console.log('error submit!!'); return false;} }); } }, watch: {}};</script><style lang='scss' scoped></style>


import { uuid } from ’vue-uuid’;const OSS = require('ali-oss'); let client = new OSS({ region: 'oss-cn-chengdu', accessKeyId: 'LTAI5tQPHvixV8aakp1vg8Jr', accessKeySecret: 'xYyToToPe8UFQMdt4hpTUS4PNxzl9S', bucket: 'bucket-lijiang-test', }); export const client_alioss = client; //删除文件数组export async function deleteMultiFiles(urls = []) { let arr_pathname = []; if (urls.length !== 0) {for (const item of urls) { //不要用let url=require('url');url.parse();已失效。要用new URL() let { pathname } = new URL(item); // decodeURIComponent()函数将中文乱码转为中文 arr_pathname.push(decodeURIComponent(pathname));}await client.deleteMulti(arr_pathname); }}


import request from ’@/utils/request’// 获取用户列表export function getUserList() { return request({url: ’/api/userManage’,method: ’get’ })} // 新增用户export function addUser(data) { return request({url: ’/api/userManage’,method: ’post’,data })} // 编辑用户export function editUser(data, _id) { return request({url: `/api/userManage/${_id}`,method: ’put’,data })} // 删除用户export function deleteUser(_id) { return request({url: `/api/userManage/${_id}`,method: ’delete’ })} // 根据关键字查询export function searchUser(data) { return request({url: `/api/userManage/search`,method: ’get’,params: data })}


const router = require(’koa-router’)() const User = require('../models/User'); //引入模块模型router.prefix(’/userManage’) //获取用户列表router.get(’/’, async (ctx, next) => { let data = await User.find({}) ctx.body = {code: 200,message: '请求成功',data, }})//新增用户router.post(’/’, async (ctx, next) => { let { username, password, imgurl } = ctx.request.body; await User.create({ username, password, imgurl }) ctx.body = { code: 200, message: '新增成功' }})//编辑用户router.put(’/:_id’, async (ctx, next) => { let { username, password, imgurl } = ctx.request.body; let { _id } = ctx.params await User.findByIdAndUpdate(_id, { username, password, imgurl }) ctx.body = { code: 200, message: '编辑成功' }})//删除用户router.delete(’/:_id’, async (ctx, next) => { let { _id } = ctx.params; let { imgurl } = await User.findByIdAndDelete(_id) ctx.body = { code: 200, message: '删除成功', imgurl } }) //根据关键字查询用户。模糊查询 router.get(’/search’, async (ctx, next) => { let { searchName } = ctx.request.query; let data = await User.find({ username: { $regex: searchName } }) ctx.body = { code: 200, message: '查询成功', data }})module.exports = router


标签: Vue