

浏览:57日期:2023-02-11 15:31:28
目录什么是延时任务延时任务的特点实现思路:代码实现1.消息模型2.RedisMq 消息队列实现类3.消息生产者4.消息消费者5. 消息执接口6. 任务类型的实现类:可以根据自己的情况去实现对应的队列需求 什么是延时任务


延时任务的特点 时间有序性 时间具体性 任务中携带详细的信息 ,通常包括 任务ID, 任务的类型 ,时间点。实现思路:





import lombok.Data;import lombok.experimental.Accessors;import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;import java.io.Serializable;/** * Redis 消息队列中的消息体 * @author shikanatsu */@Data@Accessors(chain = true)public class RedisMessage implements Serializable { /** 消息队列组 **/ private String group; /** * 消息id */ private String id; /** * 消息延迟/ 秒 */ @NotNull(message = '消息延时时间不能为空') private long delay; /** * 消息存活时间 单位:秒 */ @NotNull(message = '消息存活时间不能为空') private int ttl; /** * 消息体,对应业务内容 */ private Object body; /** * 创建时间,如果只有优先级没有延迟,可以设置创建时间为0 * 用来消除时间的影响 */ private long createTime;}2.RedisMq 消息队列实现类

package com.shixun.base.redisMq;import com.shixun.base.jedis.service.RedisService;import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;import javax.annotation.Resource;/** * Redis消息队列 * * @author shikanatsu */@Componentpublic class RedisMq { /** * 消息池前缀,以此前缀加上传递的消息id作为key,以消息{@link MSG_POOL} * 的消息体body作为值存储 */ public static final String MSG_POOL = 'Message:Pool:'; /** * zset队列 名称 queue */ public static final String QUEUE_NAME = 'Message:Queue:';// private static final int SEMIH = 30 * 60; @Resource private RedisService redisService; /** * 存入消息池 * * @param message * @return */ public boolean addMsgPool(RedisMessage message) {if (null != message) { redisService.set(MSG_POOL + message.getGroup() + message.getId(), message, message.getTtl()); return true;}return false; } /** * 从消息池中删除消息 * * @param id * @return */ public void deMsgPool(String group, String id) {redisService.remove(MSG_POOL + group + id); } /** * 向队列中添加消息 * * @param key * @param score 优先级 * @param val * @return 返回消息id */ public void enMessage(String key, long score, String val) {redisService.zsset(key, val, score); } /** * 从队列删除消息 * * @param id * @return */ public boolean deMessage(String key, String id) {return redisService.zdel(key, id); }}3.消息生产者

import cn.hutool.core.convert.Convert;import cn.hutool.core.lang.Assert;import cn.hutool.core.util.IdUtil;import org.slf4j.Logger;import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;import org.springframework.validation.annotation.Validated;import javax.annotation.Resource;import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;import java.util.Date;import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;/** * 消息生产者 * * @author shikanatsu */@Componentpublic class MessageProvider { static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MessageProvider.class); @Resource private RedisMq redisMq; SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'); public boolean sendMessage(@Validated RedisMessage message) {Assert.notNull(message);//The priority is if there is no creation time//message.setCreateTime(System.currentTimeMillis());message.setId(IdUtil.fastUUID());Long delayTime = message.getCreateTime() + Convert.convertTime(message.getDelay(), TimeUnit.SECONDS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);try { redisMq.addMsgPool(message); redisMq.enMessage(RedisMq.QUEUE_NAME+message.getGroup(), delayTime, message.getId()); logger.info('RedisMq发送消费信息{},当前时间:{},消费时间预计{}',message.toString(),new Date(),sdf.format(delayTime));}catch (Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); logger.error('RedisMq 消息发送失败,当前时间:{}',new Date()); return false;}return true; }}4.消息消费者

/** * Redis消息消费者 * @author shikanatsu */@Componentpublic class RedisMqConsumer { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RedisMqConsumer.class); @Resource private RedisMq redisMq; @Resource private RedisService redisService; @Resource private MessageProvider provider; SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'); //@Scheduled(cron = '*/1 * * * * ? ') /** Instead of a thread loop, you can use Cron expressions to perform periodic tasks */ public void baseMonitor(RedisMqExecute mqExecute){String queueName = RedisMq.QUEUE_NAME+mqExecute.getQueueName();//The query is currently expiredSet<Object> set = redisService.rangeByScore(queueName, 0, System.currentTimeMillis());if (null != set) { long current = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (Object id : set) {long score = redisService.getScore(queueName, id.toString()).longValue();//Once again the guarantee has expired , And then perform the consumptionif (current >= score) { String str = ''; RedisMessage message = null; String msgPool = RedisMq.MSG_POOL+mqExecute.getQueueName(); try {message = (RedisMessage)redisService.get(msgPool + id.toString());log.debug('RedisMq:{},get RedisMessage success now Time:{}',str,sdf.format(System.currentTimeMillis()));if(null==message){ return;}//Do something ; You can add a judgment here and if it fails you can add it to the queue againmqExecute.execute(message); } catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();//If an exception occurs, it is put back into the queue// todo: If repeated, this can lead to repeated cycleslog.error('RedisMq: RedisMqMessage exception ,It message rollback , If repeated, this can lead to repeated cycles{}',new Date());provider.sendMessage(message); } finally {redisMq.deMessage(queueName, id.toString());redisMq.deMsgPool(message.getGroup(),id.toString()); }} }} }}5. 消息执接口

/** * @author shikanatsu */public interface RedisMqExecute { /** * 获取队列名称 * @return */ public String getQueueName(); /** * 统一的通过执行期执行 * @param message * @return */ public boolean execute(RedisMessage message); /** * Perform thread polling */ public void threadPolling();}6. 任务类型的实现类:可以根据自己的情况去实现对应的队列需求

/** * 订单执行 * * @author shikanatsu */@Servicepublic class OrderMqExecuteImpl implements RedisMqExecute { private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(OrderMqExecuteImpl.class); public final static String name = 'orderPoll:'; @Resource private RedisMqConsumer redisMqConsumer; private RedisMqExecute mqExecute = this; @Resource private OrderService orderService; @Override public String getQueueName() {return name; } @Override /** * For the time being, only all orders will be processed. You can change to make orders */ public boolean execute(RedisMessage message) {logger.info('Do orderMqPoll ; Time:{}',new Date()); //Do return true; } @Override /** 通过线程去执行轮询的过程,时间上可以自由控制 **/ public void threadPolling() {ThreadUtil.execute(() -> { while (true) {redisMqConsumer.baseMonitor(mqExecute);ThreadUtil.sleep(5, TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS); }}); }}

使用事例 1. 实现RedisMqExecute 接口 创建对应的轮询或者采取定时器的方式执行 和实现具体的任务。 2. 通过MessageProvider 实现相对应的消息服务和绑定队列组,通过队列组的方式执行。 3. 提示: 采取线程的方式需要在项目启动过程中执行,采取定时器或者调度的方式可以更加动态的调整。

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标签: Java