

浏览:2日期:2024-02-27 08:52:12
例子二:通过Xalan 1.2,使用XSLT转换XML 做为第二个例子,我们使用了Xalan-java的XSLT引擎,这个引擎来自于APACHE的XML项目,使用这个程序,我们能够使用XSL转换XML源文件。这将极大的方便我们处理文档和进行内容管理。 开始之前,我们需要将xerces.jar 和 xalan.jar文件放入java.class.path目录下(这两个文件包含在Xalan-Java 1.2 中,可以从xml.apache.org处下载)。 PHP程序如下: 函数xslt_transform()以XML和XSL文件为参数,形式可为文件名(如:foo.xml)或URL(如:http://localhost/foo.xml)。 <?php function xslt_transform($xml,$xsl) { ;;// Create a XSLTProcessorFactory object. XSLTProcessorfactory is a Java ;;// class which manufactures the processor for performing transformations. ;;$XSLTProcessorFactory = new java("org.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLTProcessorFactory"); ;;// Use the XSLTProcessorFactory method getProcessor() to create a ;;// new XSLTProcessor object. ;;$XSLTProcessor = $XSLTProcessorFactory->getProcessor(); ;;// Use XSLTInputSource objects to provide input to the XSLTProcessor ;;// process() method for transformation. Create objects for both the ;;// xml source as well as the XSL input source. Parameter of ;;// XSLTInputSource is (in this case) a 'system identifier' (URI) which ;;// can be an URL or filename. If the system identifier is an URL, it ;;// must be fully resolved. ;;$xmlID = new java("org.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLTInputSource", $xml); ;;$stylesheetID = new java("org.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLTInputSource", $xsl); ;;// Create a stringWriter object for the output. ;;$stringWriter = new java("java.io.StringWriter"); ;;// Create a ResultTarget object for the output with the XSLTResultTarget ;;// class. Parameter of XSLTResultTarget is (in this case) a 'character ;;// stream', which is the stringWriter object.;;;;$resultTarget = new java("org.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLTResultTarget", $stringWriter); ;;// Process input with the XSLTProcessors' method process(). This ;;// method uses the XSL stylesheet to transform the XML input, placing ;;// the result in the result target. ;;$XSLTProcessor->process($xmlID,$stylesheetID,$resultTarget); ;;// Use the stringWriters' method toString() to ;;// return the buffer's current value as a string to get the ;;// transformed result. ;;$result = $stringWriter->toString(); ;;$stringWriter->close(); ;;return($result); } ?> 函数定义好后,我们就可以调用它了,在下面的例程中,变量$xml指向一个URL字符串,$xsl也是如此。这个例子将显示5个最新的phpbuilder.com文章标题。 <?php $xml = "http://www.phpbuilder.com/rss_feed.php?type=articles&limit=5"$xsl = "http://www.soeterbroek.com/code/xml/rss_html.xsl"$out = xslt_transform($xml,$xsl); echo $out; ?> 如果你在本地机上运行程序,必须确保你的函数参数指向正确的文件名。 <?php $xml;;= "/web/htdocs/xml_java/rss_feed.xml"$xsl;;= "/web/htdocs/xml_java/rss_html.xsl"$out = xslt_transform($xml,$xsl); echo $out; ?> 虽然这种效果我们可以通过其它方法实现,或许那些方法更好,但这个例子能让你对PHP调用JAVA类有一个更好的了解。 教程结束了,希望你能够从这篇教程中学到点东西,以下是一些你用得到的链接: http://www.php4win.de ~ A great Win32 distribution of PHP http://www.javasoft.com ~ Sun's Java release http://www.jars.com ~ Start searching for handy Java classes http://www.gamelan.com ~ More Java classes http://www.technetcast.com/tnc_play_stream.html?stream_id=400 ~ Sam Ruby about PHP and Java integration at Open Source Convention 2000 (audio) http://xml.apache.org ~ Apache XML Project http://www.phpbuilder.com/columns/justin20001025.php3 ~ Transforming XML with XSL using Sablotron
标签: Java