基于Rake和Gems的Java构造工具Raven 1.1 发布
浏览:41日期:2024-03-07 15:31:05
Raven 1.1 发布了.Raven 是一款基于Rake和Ruby Gems的Java构造工具, 让你更简单地构件Java项目. Raven 为Java提供了处理依赖以及特别的Rake 任务, 这些都是基于Ruby的.但是为何要将我们的构建系统基于Rake 和Ruby Gems之上呢?官方给的解释: Rake 是很简单的构建系统, 是基于Ruby的, 是一个脚本语言, 让你在不需要使用Java的某些场合, 可以更方便地进行构建.同时,Ruby Gems 也更容易处理包的依赖,删除和更新.官方提到:---Your jar files are wrapped in a Ruby Gem (a package). You can then start manage your java jar library just like a Gem library. Tools are provided to convert a Maven jar repository to a Gem repository (both local on your machine or on a public server) or to directly install packages. ---Your dependencies are declared in a Rakefile. You basically say which Gems you need (and so which jars will be included in your classpath) for building. When building, if some Gems are missing, they are automatically installed in your local Gem repository. Just like Maven. ---Raven gives you a small library of Rake tasks that you can use to compile your java classes, build a jar file, build a war file, produce javadoc, wrap the jar you built in a Gem, ... ---This effectively gives you everything you need to build Java projects, using Gems for dependencies management and Rake for scripts. 下载:http://raven.rubyforge.org/
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