Spring 2.0 M1发布了
浏览:2日期:2024-03-09 11:54:11
12月22日下午,Rod Johnson在Spring网站发布了Spring framework 2.0 M1的消息。您可以访问该网站获得更多信息,并下载该最新版本:Spring framework重要的新特性包括:1,简化的、可扩展的XML配置2,强大的全新的AOP支持,以及对最新的AspectJ 5的集成3,异步的JMS机制允许基于消息驱动的POJO4,Spring Portlet MVC,基于JSR-168 portlets标准的MVC framework... and much, much more让我们更欣慰的是,Spring 2.0完全(100%)兼容1.2版本,并且,可以继续在Java 1.3+上运行。tailored application configuration schemas. The M1 release ships convenient XML tags that greatly simplify the definition of declarative transactions, JNDI lookups, custom aspects, and common utility services such as loading properties files.Please review the central JPetstore sample application included in the release. This sample demonstrates the new 2.0 features in action and will continued to be refined in subsequent milestones.Read Juergen's original announcement on the developer mailing list for more information.Review the Spring 2.0 roadmap for information about upcoming milestones. 参考:Spring 2.0 M1 ReleaseSpring社区:http://www.matrix.org.cn/topic.shtml?forumId=26
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