Java剖析工具JProfiler 4.2 发布
浏览:3日期:2024-03-15 13:28:51
JProfiler 4.2 版本发布了JProfiler是一个全功能的Java剖析工具(profiler),专用於分析J2SE和J2EE应用程式。它把CPU、线程和记忆体的剖析组合在一个强大的应用中。JProfiler可提供许多IDE整合和应用服务器整合功能。JProfiler直觉式的GUI让你可以找到性能瓶颈、抓住内存泄漏(memory leaks)、并解决多线程的问题。它让你得以对heap walker作资源回收器的root analysis,可以轻易找出内存泄漏;heap快照(snapshot)模式让未被引用(reference)的对象, 稍微被引用的对象、或在终结(finalization)序列的对象都会被移除;整合精灵以便剖析瀏览器的Java外掛功能。新版本提供的特性:Support for additional platforms. A snapshot comparison facility has been addedThe objects comparison shows the difference between the 'all objects' views or the 'recorded objects' view of two snapshotsTo see the difference between the hot spots view of two snapshots, you can create a hot spots comparisonIn the call tree comparison, the difference tree of the call tree views of two snapshots is displayedFinally, the VM telemetry comparisons show graphs of VM telemetry measurements with a series of snapshots on the X axis
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