
Sun Java Studio Enterprise 8.1 Beta 发布

【字号: 日期:2024-03-16 14:52:16浏览:45作者:猪猪
Sun Java Studio Enterprise 8.1 Beta 版本发布了。Java Studio Enterprise 8.1 基于 NetBeans 5 平台, 并引入其改良的核心Java程序开发功能与特性. 良好支持Sun最新基础平台.另外还包括Sun Java Enterprise System 5, 是理想的集成开发环境. 最新版本拥有全新的Web报告系统和改良的反向工程支持, 从而大大增强了UML建模功能.新版本支持 UML 建模功能、Java 代码的逆向工程功能、J2EE 企业应用分析器以及最为流行的协作开发功能和版本控制功能除了上述这些功能之外,为了向开发者提供便利,Java Studio enterprise 8 还具有新颖的外观、令大家期待已久的项目支持功能和跨平台支持功能.官方提到:Included in this new release are numerous enhancements in the UML capabilities, along with a new Web reporting system and improved support for reverse-engineering. Based on NetBeans 5.0, Sun Java Studio Enterprise 8.1 is the IDE for Sun Java Enterprise System 5, Sun's latest infrastructure platform for deploying SOA-enabled Web services. NetBeans 5.0 supports CVS, application development on the J2EE 1.4 Platform, and deployment to Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 8.2 as well as to the WebLogic 9 and JBoss 4 containers
标签: Java