JSR 196:pluggable authentication for JEE containers 草案发布
从专家组成立到现在,经过3年的时间,JSR 196-Java Authentication Service Provider Interface for Containers 的草案终于出来和大家见面了.. 这个标准主要是给安全和用户管理产品的开发商(而不是应用开发者). 这个标准的出台将使得JEE的服务器可以轻松的整合第三方的提供的验证服务,而不用像现在这样,安全和用户管理产品的开发商还必须对每个应用服务器都实现定制的接口从而才可以插入到这些服务器中,比如weblogic.security.spi.AuthenticationProvider.. 整合变得更加容易,下面是JSR中的描述:A typical message interaction between a client and server begins with a request from the client to the server. The server recieves the request and dispatches it to a service to perform the requested operation. When the service completes, it creates a response that is returned back to the client. The SPI defined by the specification is structured such that message processing runtimes can inject security processing at four points in the typical message interaction scenario. A message processing runtime uses the SPI at these points to delegate the corresponding message security processing to an authentication provider or module integrated into the runtime by way of the SPI. 标准中提到整个的解释过程将包括4处地方,2处在client端(第一次request,在服务器response之前),2处在服务器端(接收到request,和request处理完毕)... 点评: 标准的出台对开发厂商来说是一件好事...当然,在此之前,大家可以暂时现有的集成,或者使用Acegi,一个评价不错的安全框架...关于Acegi的介绍:http://www.matrix.org.cn/resource/article/1730_Acegi.html
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