Spring-Richclient 0.1.0 发布
Spring-Richclient 0.1.0 发布了.Spring-Richclient 旨在提供一个基于Spring的, 可配置性强, 遵循GUI标准 的RIA开发框架. 这次发布0.1.0版本, 作为开发版本发布..希望吸引更多开发者加入..关于新版本,官方提到:''Spring-Richclient's mission is to provide an elegant way to build highly-configurable, GUI-standards-following rich-client applications faster by leveraging the Spring Framework, and a rich library of UI factories and support classes. The previous month a lot has been changed in the underlying system: we've moved to svn and changed our build platform to maven 2. This should smoothen things up in our release process and allows us to release more often. We've labelled this release 0.1.0 as a development release but encourage people to try it out and send us their findings.''
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