Strecks -- 一款Struts Java 5 扩展框架发布
Strecks是一款Struts Java 5 扩展框架.. Strecks整合了一系列的开源项目.. 主要是为了方便JAVA 5 开发者, 更迅速地开发Struts应用..Strecks的代码是基于Struts 1.2.x.Strecks能提供的特性包括:POJO action beans with no framework dependenciesaction vs. controller separation. Request processing logic is encapsulated into Action controllers, simplifying action implementationsannotation-based dependency injection (typed request parameters, session attributes, Spring beans, and others)annotation-based form validators (XML and code-free)annotation-based data binding from form properties to domain modelannotations for additional per-field control over type conversionsimplified mechanisms to support navigation and redirecting after postspluggable navigation using annotationspre- and post-action interceptors, with access to dependency resolved action beans as well as full runtime context官方站点:http://strecks.sourceforge.net/
上一条:Spring 2.0 带来的改进下一条:JSwat 3.10 版本发布
1. Django框架安装及项目创建过程解析2. express框架通过ejs模板渲染输出页面实例分析3. Java Parallel Processing Framework 0.15.0 发布4. Docker使用Git实现Jenkins发布、测试项目的详细流程5. Android Studio 3.6 正式版终于发布了,快来围观6. Python爬虫Scrapy框架CrawlSpider原理及使用案例7. Java RPC框架如何实现客户端限流配置8. Spring Web Flow 1.0 EA 发布9. Seam 1.0 beta 2 发布-Java EE 5开发框架10. Spring IDE 1.3 发布