
Spring IDE 1.3 发布

浏览:65日期:2024-06-03 14:09:02
Spring IDE 1.3发布了。Spring IDE 是由Spring诞生的子项目,一款For Spring开发的Eclipse 插件这个版本提供了一些新的特性并解决了很多的Bugs,该版本仅支持Eclipse 3.1并需要web tools的支持,提供了对SPring 1.2.7的支持。更多新特性:Now Eclipse 3.1 and Web Tools are required!!! Updated to Spring 1.2.7 Updated version of BeansXmlEditor Support for searching the BeansCoreModel Open Spring Bean dialog (similar to JDT's 'Open Type' dialog) Wizard for creating a new SpringProject BeansView can be linked to BeansXmlEditor Now any filename extensions for BeansConfig files are supported
标签: Spring