Ajax4jsf 1.0 发布
Exadel, Inc. 宣布 Ajax4jsf 1.0 发布了。Ajax4jsf是一个Rich组件框架主要用于JSF应用程序的Rich用户界面开发。Ajax4jsf完全与JSF生命周期(Lifecycle)紧密结合。Ajax4jsf能够实现整个页面范围的AJAX支持而不是传统的组件范围支持。除了核心AJAX功能之外,Ajax4jsf还支持各种资源的管理如图片、JavaScript代码和CSS样式表等,这个资源框架让你能够很方便把这些资源与你自定义组件的代码一起打包到Jar文件中。一些特性包括:Ajax support within JSF for asynchronous communication and partial page updatesCompatibility with JSF utilizing all JSF features during the Ajax request/response lifecycle including event listeners, validation, transformation, and messagesCapability to make existing JSF components Ajax-enabled with no changes to the components themselvesZero-JavaScript Ajax: Ajax features without JavaScript codingOpen architecture and support for industry standards allowing mixing and matching of components from different libraries within an application (including on the same page).
1. Spring boot+redis实现消息发布与订阅的代码2. indie发布Genesis FX for Java 3D 用于游戏模拟3. Spring Cloud 2020.0.0正式发布再见了Netflix4. ASP.NET Core 7 Razor Pages项目发布到IIS的详细过程5. Java剖析工具JProfiler 4.2 发布6. js实现的订阅发布者模式简单示例7. springboot基于Redis发布订阅集群下WebSocket的解决方案8. 阿里云发布 Spring Boot 新脚手架工程9. Python如何将模块打包并发布10. SVNKit(前JavaSVN) 1.1.0 发布