phpMyAdmin 3.1.3 RC1 - MySQL管理利器
phpMyAdmin 是一个以PHP为基础,以Web-Base方式架构在网站主机上的MySQL的资料库管理工具。
下载:phpMyAdmin 3.1.3 RC1
phpMyAdmin 3.1.3, a bugfix-only version.
Changes: (not yet released)
+ [lang] Turkish update
- patch #2496403 [display] Multi-row change with ']'
- bug #2027720 [parser] Missing space after BINARY used as cast
- patch #2520747 [core] E_DEPRECATED compatibility for PHP 5.3
- bug [display] Message 'Bookmark created' is not displaying
+ [display] Show AUTO_INCREMENT instead of A_I when in vertical mode
- patch #2538358 [display] Conditions for relational display field
+ [lang] Mongolian update
- patch #2553372 [display] DB comment tooltips not shown on navi
- patch #2561433 [structure] Display true number of rows in a view if it contains less than MaxExactCountViews
+ [lang] Polish update
- bug #2568722 [designer] Compound key not shown
- patch #2550323 [XHTML] in server_databases.php
- patch #2358861 [navi] Row count tooltip wrong for information_schema
- bug #2565948 [core] Changing the connection collation changed the client charset.
+ [lang] Romanian update
- patch #1760205 [data] Insert as new row: BLOB is lost
1. Nodejs 连接 mysql时报Error: Cannot enqueue Query after fatal error错误的处理办法2. Mysql入门系列:运行PHP3. Python连接mysql数据库及简单增删改查操作示例代码4. 基于 SpringBoot 实现 MySQL 读写分离的问题5. python+selenium爬取微博热搜存入Mysql的实现方法6. pymysql实现增删改查的操作指南(python)7. Python使用pycharm导入pymysql教程8. python 动态渲染 mysql 配置文件的示例9. python数据库操作mysql:pymysql、sqlalchemy常见用法详解10. ASP使用MySQL数据库的方法