ORA-06512 网上最容易查到的解释为
CauseThis error is caused by the stack being unwound by unhandled exceptions in your PLSQL code.
The options to resolve this Oracle error are:
- Fix the condition that is causing the unhandled error.
- Write an exception handler for this unhandled error.
- Contact your DBA for help.
The ORA-06512 error message indicates the line number of the unhandled error in the PLSQL code. This is quite useful when troubleshooting.
创建存储过程TestProc,参数v_number是一个长度为2的数字, 存储过程中将100赋值给v_number,执行存储过程后提示异常,ORA-06502表示发生的错误;ORA-06512表示发生的行数,本例中 因为100的是3位数字, v_number只能处理2位数字
SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE TestProc AS 2 v_number number(2); 3 BEGIN 4 v_number := 100; 5 END; 6 / Procedure created SQL> execute TestProc(); begin TestProc(); end; ORA-06502: PL/SQL: 数字或值错误 : number precision too large ORA-06512: 在 "BOSS643.TESTPROC", line 4 ORA-06512: 在 line 2
针对上述问题,可以重新定义数值长度解决这个问题, v_number定义为3
SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE TestProc AS 2 v_number number(3); 3 BEGIN 4 v_number := 100; 5 END; 6 / Procedure created SQL> execute TestProc(); PL/SQL procedure successfully completed SQL>
如果将数值型修改成其他类型后也是同样的, 例如字符串,v_str设置为处理长度为10的字符串, 当给v_str赋值大于长度10的字符串后, 提示数字或者值错误,符串缓冲区太小
SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE TestProc2 AS 2 v_str varchar2(10); 3 BEGIN 4 v_str := "This is a test string"; 5 END; 6 / Procedure created SQL> execute TestProc2(); begin TestProc2(); end; ORA-06502: PL/SQL: 数字或值错误 : character string buffer too small ORA-06512: 在 "BOSS643.TESTPROC2", line 4 ORA-06512: 在 line 2
SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE TestProc2 AS 2 v_str varchar2(512); 3 BEGIN 4 v_str := "This is a test string"; 5 END; 6 / Procedure created SQL> execute TestProc2(); PL/SQL procedure successfully completed SQL>
当然你也可以自定义异常来处理,例如当出现异常后提示“数值越界” ,此方法将异常捕获提示更加明确,个人认为ORA-06502异常已经十分清楚了, 具体还看存储过程对应的需求是否有明确提示需求
SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE TestProc AS 2 v_number number(2); 3 BEGIN 4 v_number := 100; 5 EXCEPTION 6 WHEN OTHERS THEN 7 RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20001, "数值v_number越界"); 8 END; 9 / Procedure created SQL> exec TestProc(); begin TestProc(); end; ORA-20001: 数值v_number越界 ORA-06512: 在 "BOSS643.TESTPROC", line 7 ORA-06512: 在 line 2