进行备份前需要先创建备份用户,直接使用 root 用户进行备份也行,但是这样不太规范。
create user backup@’localhost’ identified by ’123456’; grant reload,process,lock tables,replication client on *.* to backup@localhost;1.1 全备
备份整个库,使用的是备份用户,备份文件存放地址为 /backup/
innobackupex --defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf --user=backup --password=123456 /backup/1.2 增备
指定为增量备分,使用的是备份用户,增量的基础为上一次的全备,已经使用 --incremental-basedir 进行指定了,备份后存放的文件为 /backup/
innobackupex --defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf --user=backup --password=123456 --incremental --incremental-basedir=/backup/2021-06-01_14-44-54 /backup/2 备份恢复2.1 准备数据
innobackupex --apply-log --redo-only /backup/2021-06-01_14-44-54/2.2 进行恢复
在恢复前,需要确保 MySQL 的数据目录为已经删除了。
innobackupex --copy-back --datadir=/usr/local/mysql/data /backup/2021-06-01_14-44-54/
恢复后,需要对 MySQL 的data 目录进行重新赋权:
chown -R mysql:mysql data/
3 目录结构4 备份脚本4.1 脚本
#!/bin/bash # 获得程序路径名 program_dir=`dirname $0`/.. # 读取配置文件中的所有变量值, 设置为全局变量 # 配置文件 conf_file='$program_dir/conf/backup.conf' # mysql 用户 user=`sed ’/^user=/!d;s/.*=//’ $conf_file` # mysql 密码 password=`sed ’/^password=/!d;s/.*=//’ $conf_file` # mysql 备份目录 backup_dir=`sed ’/^backup_dir=/!d;s/.*=//’ $conf_file` # mysql 备份压缩打包目录 gzip_dir=`sed ’/^gzip_dir=/!d;s/.*=//’ $conf_file` # percona-xtrabackup命令xtrabackup路径 xtrabackup_bin=`sed ’/^xtrabackup_bin=/!d;s/.*=//’ $conf_file` # mysql 全备前缀标识 full_backup_prefix=`sed ’/^full_backup_prefix=/!d;s/.*=//’ $conf_file` # mysql 增量备前缀标识 increment_prefix=`sed ’/^increment_prefix=/!d;s/.*=//’ $conf_file` # 备份错误日志文件 error_log=$program_dir/var/`sed ’/^error_log=/!d;s/.*=//’ $conf_file` # 备份索引文件 index_file=$program_dir/var/`sed ’/^index_file=/!d;s/.*=//’ $conf_file` # 备份日期 backup_date=`date +%F` # 备份时间 backup_time=`date +%H-%M-%S` # 备份时的周几 backup_week_day=`date +%u` # 创建相关目录 log_dir=$program_dir/log/backup var_dir=$program_dir/var mkdir -p $backup_dir mkdir -p $log_dir mkdir -p $var_dir mkdir -p $gzip_dir # 全量备份 function full_backup() { backup_folder=${full_backup_prefix}_${backup_date}_${backup_time}_${backup_week_day} mkdir -p $backup_dir/$backup_folder $xtrabackup_bin --user=$user --password=$password --backup --target-dir=$backup_dir/$backup_folder > $log_dir/${backup_folder}.log 2>&1 return $? } # 增量备份 function increment_backup() { backup_folder=${increment_prefix}_${backup_date}_${backup_time}_${backup_week_day} incr_base_folder=`sed -n ’$p’ $index_file |awk -F ’[, {}]*’ ’{print $3}’ |awk -F ’:’ ’{print $2}’` mkdir -p $backup_dir/$backup_folder $xtrabackup_bin --user=$user --password=$password --backup --target-dir=$backup_dir/$backup_folder --incremental-basedir=$backup_dir/$incr_base_folder > $log_dir/${backup_folder}.log 2>&1 return $? } # 删除之前的备份(一般在全备完成后使用) function delete_before_backup() { cat $index_file | awk -F ’[, {}]*’ ’{print $3}’ | awk -v backup_dir=$backup_dir -F ’:’ ’{if($2!=''){printf('rm -rf %s/%sn', backup_dir, $2)}}’ | /bin/bash cat $index_file | awk -F ’[, {}]*’ ’{print $3}’ | awk -v gzip_dir=$gzip_dir -F ’:’ ’{if($2!=''){printf('rm -rf %s/%sn', gzip_dir, $2)}}’ | /bin/bash cat $index_file | awk -F ’[, {}]*’ ’{print $3}’ | awk -v log_dir=$log_dir -F ’:’ ’{if($2!=''){printf('rm -rf %s/%s.logn', log_dir, $2)}}’ | /bin/bash } # 备份索引文件 function backup_index_file() { cp $index_file ${index_file}_$(date -d '1 day ago' +%F) } # 备份索引文件 function send_index_file_to_remote() { # ./expect_scp ip地址 账号 密码 ${index_file} 目标服务器存放的文件夹 端口号 echo ’send index file ok’ } # 添加索引, 索引记录了当前最新的备份 function append_index_to_file() { echo '{week_day:$backup_week_day, dir:${1}_${backup_date}_${backup_time}_${backup_week_day}, type:${1}, date:${backup_date}}' >> $index_file } # 记录错误消息到文件 function logging_backup_err() { echo '{week_day:$backup_week_day, dir:${1}_${backup_date}_${backup_time}_${backup_week_day}, type:${1}, date:${backup_date}}' >> $error_log } # 清空索引 function purge_index_from_file() { > $index_file } # 清空错误日志信息 function purge_err_log() { > $error_log } # 打包备份 function tar_backup_file() { cd $backup_dir tar -jcf ${gzip_dir}/${1}_${backup_date}_${backup_time}_${backup_week_day}.tar.bz2${1}_${backup_date}_${backup_time}_${backup_week_day} cd - > /dev/null rm -rf ${backup_dir}/${1}_${backup_date}_${backup_time}_${backup_week_day} } # 发送备份到远程 function send_backup_to_remote() { # ./expect_scp ip地址 账号 密码 ${gzip_dir}/${1}_${backup_date}_${backup_time}_${backup_week_day}.tar.bz2 目标服务器存放的文件夹 端口号 echo 'send $1 remote ok' } # 判断是应该全备还是增量备份 # 0:full, 1:incr function get_backup_type() { backup_type=0 if [ 1 -eq `date +%H` ]; thenbackup_type=0 elsebackup_type=1 fi touch $index_file if [ ! -n '`cat $index_file`' ]; thenbackup_type=0 fi return $backup_type } # 测试配置文件正确性 function test_conf_file() { # 判断每个变量是否在配置文件中有配置,没有则退出程序 if [ ! -n '$user' ]; then echo ’fail: configure file user not set’; exit 2; fi if [ ! -n '$password' ]; then echo ’fail: configure file password not set’; exit 2; fi if [ ! -n '$backup_dir' ]; then echo ’fail: configure file backup_dir not set’; exit 2; fi if [ ! -n '$gzip_dir' ]; then echo ’fail: configure file backup_dir not set’; exit 2; fi if [ ! -n '$full_backup_prefix' ]; then echo ’fail: configure file full_backup_prefix not set’; exit 2; fi if [ ! -n '$increment_prefix' ]; then echo ’fail: configure file increment_prefix not set’; exit 2; fi if [ ! -n '$error_log' ]; then echo ’fail: configure file error_log not set’; exit 2; fi if [ ! -n '$index_file' ]; then echo ’fail: configure file index_file not set’; exit 2; fi } # 执行 function main() { # 检测配置文件值 test_conf_file # 判断是执行全备还是增量备份 get_backup_type backup_type=$? case $backup_type in0 ) # 全量备份 full_backup backup_ok=$? if [ 0 -eq '$backup_ok' ]; then # 全备成功 # 打包最新备份 tar_backup_file $full_backup_prefix # # 将tar备份发送到远程 send_backup_to_remote $full_backup_prefix # 备份索引文件 backup_index_file # 清除之前的备份 delete_before_backup # 清除索引文件 purge_index_from_file # 添加索引, 索引记录了当前最新的备份 append_index_to_file $full_backup_prefix # 发送索引文件到远程 send_index_file_to_remote else # 全备失败 # 删除备份目录 rm -rf ${backup_dir}/${full_backup_prefix}_${backup_date}_${backup_time}_${backup_week_day} # 记录错误日志 logging_backup_err $full_backup_prefix fi ;;1 ) # 增量备份 increment_backup backup_ok=$? if [ '$backup_ok' -eq 0 ]; then # 增量备份成功 # 打包最新备份 tar_backup_file $increment_prefix # # 将tar备份发送到远程 send_backup_to_remote $increment_prefix # 添加索引, 索引记录了当前最新的备份 append_index_to_file $increment_prefix # # 发送索引文件到远程 send_index_file_to_remote else # 增量备份失败 # 删除备份目录 rm -rf ${backup_dir}/${increment_prefix}_${backup_date}_${backup_time}_${backup_week_day} # 记录错误日志 logging_backup_err $increment_prefix fi ;; esac } main4.2 配置文件
# mysql 用户名 user=backup # mysql 密码 password=123456 # 备份路径 backup_dir=/data/backup # 备份压缩打包目录 gzip_dir=/data/backups/backups_zip # innobackupex 命令路径 xtrabackup_bin=/opt/xtrabackup/bin/xtrabackup # 全量备信息名称 前缀 full_backup_prefix=full # 增量备信息名称 前缀 increment_prefix=incr # 错误日志文件(根据此文件知道备份是否成功) # format: # {week_day:1,dir:full/incr_2015-12-29_00-00-00_7,type:full/incr,date:2015-12-30} error_log=mysql_increment_hot_backup.err # 索引文件 # format: # {week_day:1,dir:full/incr_2015-12-29_00-00-00_7,type:full/incr,date:2015-12-30} index_file=mysql_increment_hot_backup.index5 恢复脚本5.1 脚本
#!/bin/bash # 获得程序路径名 program_dir=`dirname $0`/.. # 读取配置文件中的所有变量值, 设置为全局变量 # 配置文件 conf_file='$program_dir/conf/restore.conf' # MySQL 数据文件夹 data_dir=`sed ’/^data_dir=/!d;s/.*=//’ $conf_file` # 备份索引文件路径 backup_index_file=`sed ’/^backup_index_file=/!d;s/.*=//’ $conf_file` # percona-xtrabackup命令xtrabackup路径 xtrabackup_bin=`sed ’/^xtrabackup_bin=/!d;s/.*=//’ $conf_file` # 备份文件目录 backup_restore_dir=`sed ’/^backup_restore_dir=/!d;s/.*=//’ $conf_file` # 检查配置文件正确性 function exam_conf_file() {# 判断每个变量是否在配置文件中有配置,没有则退出程序if [ ! -n '$data_dir' ]; then echo ’fail: configure file data_dir not set’; exit 2; fiif [ ! -n '$backup_index_file' ]; then echo ’fail: configure file backup_index_file not set’; exit 2; fiif [ ! -n '$xtrabackup_bin' ]; then echo ’fail: configure file xtrabackup_bin not set’; exit 2; fiif [ ! -n '$backup_restore_dir' ]; then echo ’fail: configure file backup_restore_dir not set’; exit 2; fi } # 检查备份文件是否是压缩格式 function exam_backup_restore_file(){file_backup_restore_name_arr=`ls $backup_restore_dir`for file_name in $file_backup_restore_name_arr;do if [ '${file_name##*.}'x = 'bz2'x ];thentar -jxf $backup_restore_dir/$file_name -C $backup_restore_dirrm -rf $backup_restore_dir/$file_name fidone } # 检查 MySQL 是否停止 function exam_mysql_is_stop(){if [ 0 -eq `ps -ef | grep mysql | grep -v grep | wc -l` ]; then echo 'MySQL 服务已停止'else /etc/init.d/mysqld stop echo '正在停止 MySQL 服务' sleep 3 echo '已停止 MySQL 服务'fi } # 检查 MySQL data 文件是否删除 function exam_data_is_del(){if [ -d $data_dir ];then echo '正在删除 MySQL 的data文件' rm -rf $data_direlse echo 'MySQL 的数据文件已删除 'fi } # 读取备份索引文件 function read_backup_index() {cat $backup_index_file | awk ’{print $2}’ | awk -F: ’{print $2}’ | awk ’{sub(/.$/,'')}1’ } # 准备全备文件 function ready_full(){full_file_name=`echo ${1} | awk ’{print $1}’`$xtrabackup_bin/innobackupex --apply-log --redo-only $backup_restore_dir/$full_file_nameecho '全备文件已准备好' } # 准备增备文件 function ready_incr(){backup_index=$(read_backup_index)full_file_name=`echo $backup_index | awk ’{print $1}’`for file_name in $backup_index;do if [ 1 -eq `echo '$file_name' | grep incr | wc -l` ]; then $xtrabackup_bin/innobackupex --apply-log --redo-only $backup_restore_dir/$full_file_name --incremental-dir=$backup_restore_dir/$file_name fidoneecho '增备文件已准备好' } # 执行备份恢复 function exec_backup_restore(){echo '开始进行备份恢复'full_file_name=`echo ${1} | awk ’{print $1}’ `$xtrabackup_bin/innobackupex --copy-back --datadir=$data_dir $backup_restore_dir/$full_file_name } # 执行 function main() {# 检查配置文件正确性exam_conf_file# 检查备份文件是否是压缩格式exam_backup_restore_file# 检查 MySQL 是否停止exam_mysql_is_stop# 检查 MySQL data 文件是否删除exam_data_is_del# 读取索引文件backup_index=$(read_backup_index)# 准备全备文件ready_full $backup_index# 准备增备文件ready_incr# 执行备份恢复exec_backup_restore $backup_index# 对数据文件进行赋权echo '重新对数据目录赋权'chown -R mysql:mysql $data_direcho '正在启动MySQL'/etc/init.d/mysqld startecho '备份恢复成功' } main5.2 配置文件
# MySQL 数据文件夹 data_dir=/opt/mysql/data #备份索引文件路径 backup_index_file=/opt/xtrabackup/backup/var/mysql_increment_hot_backup.index #xtrabackup bin 的目录 xtrabackup_bin=/opt/xtrabackup/bin # 备份文件目录 backup_restore_dir=/data/backups/backups_zip
以上就是MySQL如何使用使用Xtrabackup进行备份和恢复的详细内容,更多关于MySQL 用Xtrabackup备份和恢复的资料请关注好吧啦网其它相关文章!
1. 学好Oracle的六条总结2. 数据库Oracle9i的企业管理器简介3. mysql like语句问题4. 快速删除ORACLE重复记录5. MySQL中 concat函数的使用6. 如何远程调用ACCESS数据库7. 巧用SQL语言在ACCESS数据库中批量替换内容8. Mysql故障排除:Starting MySQL. ERROR! Manager of pid-file quit without updating file9. Windows下不能启动mysql服务--错误总结10. mysql启动时报错 ERROR! Manager of pid-file quit without