

浏览:90日期:2023-07-13 17:25:04

一、简介:在大多发行版都有打包,请到各大发行版的ftp列表中得到,或者在发行版的安装盘中也能得到。lftp是一个命令行式的ftp客户端。对中文支持较好。如果您在linux 的text模式下,要安装zhcon或者cce之类的。安装:1、RPM包管理的系统,请到http://freshrpms.nethttp;//rpmfind.net 上查找lftp的最新包,可以用#rpm -ivh name.rpm#rpm -Uvh name.rpm 这是升级之用2、源码包安装举例:lftp-3.2.0.tar.bz2#tar zxvf lftp-3.2.0.tar.bz2#cd lftp-3.2.0#./configure#make#make install3.调用方法:lftp ftp://用户名:密码@地址比如:[beinan@S01~]$lftp ftp://beinan@口令:lftp beinan@>lftp beinan@>ls-rw-r--r-- 1 1000 100 44387 May 18 10:04 xvmain.jpg-rw-r--r-- 1 1000 100 202643 May 18 09:45 xxx.jpeg-rw-r--r-- 1 1000 100 0 May 20 10:01 鲨鱼的故事.txt二、使用方法:0.简单的用法:lcd 切换本地目录,比如 lcd /optget 取回一个文件,put 向ftp服务器传文件;1、获得帮助:代码: lftp beinan@> help!(commands)alias [ []]anonbookmark [SUBCMD]  cache [SUBCMD]cat [-b] cd chmod [OPTS] mode file...  close [-a][re]cls [opts] [path/][pattern] debug [ off] [-o ]du [options] exit [ bg]get [OPTS] [-o ] glob [OPTS] help []history -w file -r file -c -l [cnt]jobs [-v]  kill all lcd  lftp [OPTS] ls [] mget [OPTS] mirror [OPTS] [remote [local]] mkdir [-p] module name [args] more mput [OPTS] mrm mv  [re]nlist []open [OPTS]  pget [OPTS] [-o ]put [OPTS] [-o ] pwd [-p]queue [OPTS] []quote repeat [delay] [command]rm [-r] [-f] rmdir [-f]   scache []set [OPT] [ []]  site source   user []version wait []zcat zmore

如果针对lftp的每个命令的帮助,应该是:lftp beinan@> help 命令比如代码: lftp beinan@> help get用法:

get [OPTS] [-o ]Retrieve remote file and store it to local file .-o specifies local file name (default - basename of rfile)-c continue, reget-E delete remote files after successful transfer-a use ascii mode (binary is the default)-O specifies base directory or URL where files should be placed

标签: Linux系统