如何禁止Internet Explorer的区域提升限制(Zone Elevation Blocks)现象在Internet内容区域的web页面中, 如果点击链接并跳转到Local Intranet内容区域, Internet Explorer将提出以下警告:The current Internet site is trying to open a file that is on your Intranet. If you trust the current site to access your Intranet, proceed by clicking OK.在Internet或Local Intranet内容区域的web页面中, 如果点击链接并跳转到Trusted内容区域, 将不会有任何提示信息或仅有一个脚本错误信息.分析Internet Explorer禁止跳转页面上的任何链接的安全内容比源URL的安全内容等级更高。这个新特性称之为区域提升限制(Zone Elevation Blocks)。安全内容的区域等级由高至低依次是: Restricted Sites zone, Internet zone, Local Intranet zone, Trusted Sites zone, and Local Machine zone.解决禁止区域提升限制(Zone Elevation Blocks):打开Internet Explorer的Internet Options.选择Security选项卡.选择Local Intranet区域或Trusted Sites区域, 然后进入Custom Level.设置'Web sites in less privileged web content zone can navigate into this zone'为启用.