
Windows Vista SP1累积修复551项Bug

【字号: 日期:2023-08-03 15:48:50浏览:4作者:猪猪

根据微软提供的数据,除了23项已经通过Windows更新发布的重要安全更新外,Vista SP1还包含了551项补丁修复内容。551项?这数字大么?

先回顾一下其前辈-XP的补丁情况。XP SP1在RTM之后14个月发布,24项安全更新和297项补丁修复;23个月之后的SP2包含60项安全更新,666项补丁修复。



75 Internet Explorer

41 Sleep/Hibernation & Power Management

38 Storage

35 Hardware and Drivers

35 Networking

28 Desktop and Shell

25 Printing & Scanning Technologies

25 .NET Framework, Data Components, Development Tools

24 Setup, Deployment, Backup, and Activation

24 Windows Media Center

23 International/Localization

20 Computer Management, Administration, and Tools

19 Application Compatibility

19 Multimedia

16 Performance and Reliability

16 Startup/Shutdown

13 Time Zone/Daylight Saving Time

13 Windows Media Player and Related Technologies

12 Security

12 Remote Access, VPN

8 IIS and WebDAV issues

7 Wireless Networking

7 Offline Files

6 Windows Mail and Web-based Software

5 Windows Sidebar and SideShow

5 Windows Portable Devices

标签: Windows系统