
Windows Vista SP1可能只有45M大小

【字号: 日期:2023-08-06 10:24:30浏览:30作者:猪猪

来自Mary Jo Foley's Blog的Q&A显示,实际上Windows Vista SP1并不如我们想象的那么光彩夺目,事实上它并不会显著地改变用户界面和回归程序兼容性。如果通过Windows Update安装(已装好之前的更新程序),那么它只会有大约45MB;大家也不用担心SP1太小,因为同样的方法下,当年XP的SP2也只需下载80到100MB。



Mary Jo Foley got a chance to see a note sent to certain testers of Vista SP1 earlIEr this month and quite a few interesting facts have turned up in it:

Q: How big is SP1?

A: “Windows Vista SP1 is approximately 45 MB when delivered over Windows Update and is designed to not significantly change the UI or regress application compatibility.”

Q: What are some examples of “support for emerging technologies and standards?”

A: “With SP1, Windows Vista can boot via EFI (Extensible Firmware Interface) on an x64 Machine. SP1 supports ExFAT, a new file format that will be used in Flash memory storage and consumer devices Support for SD Advanced DMA Support to improve transfer performance and decrease CPU utilization is part of SP1

标签: Windows系统