
无需硬盘运行Windows Vista

浏览:51日期:2023-08-09 13:52:22

微软继续修改Vista的授权协议,最新的修改允许消费者在没有硬盘的PC上或在中央集权服务器硬件虚拟机中运行Windows Vista。但是,这次改变并未涉及所有Windows消费者,这只是用以满足企业用户的需求。实际上,只有微软软件保险客户可以有此协议。


“For Software Assurance customers using Windows Vista Enterprise, we’re adding two new ways to license and deploy the operating system. They are:

1) The license right to use Windows Vista on diskless PCs

2) The availability of a subscription license called Windows Vista Enterprise Centralized Desktops (VECD) which allows customers to use Windows in virtual Machines centralized on server hardware,” revealed Scott Woodgate, Director in the Windows Business Group.'

标签: Windows系统