HP 服务器安装 SCOUNIX 5.0.4/5(下)
The SCSI configuration file has been updated. Updating system configuration … System files have been successfully updates. Configuring Tape Driver ...(Stp)
Enter Vendor Identification string or press <Return> to use default Or enter q to return to main menu:
键人: HPTape 屏幕显示: Enter SCSI version that device is conformant to or press <Return> to use default or enter q to return to main menu: 键入 Enter 屏幕显示: Enter Response Data Format that device uses or press <Return> to use default or enter q to return to main menu:
键入Enter 屏幕显示: The following tape drive types are supported: 1.Generic SCSI-1 / SCSI-2 Tape drive 2.EXABYTE 8mm tape drive (8200 or 8500) 3.IBM rebadged EXABYTE 8mm tape drive (8200) 4.DAT drive (Compressing and non-Compressing) 5.QIC Cartridge tape drive Please choose one of the above, press <Return> for default, or enter q to main menu: 键入4 屏幕显示: Tape Driver Successfully Configured Default special device have been created with the following links: /dev/xct0linked to /dev/xStp0 /dev/rct0linked to /dev/rStp0and /dev/rmt/0b /dev/nrct0linked to /dev/nrStp0and /dev/rmt/0bn In /etc/default/boot: No current boot string. Enter New String, “rm” to remove string, or enter q to leave current string as is: 键入:q,屏幕显示: SCSI or Enhanced IDE Tape Drive Configuration Program
1.Install a SCSI Tape Drive 2.Install an Enhanced IDE Tape Drive 3.Remove a SCSI Tape Drive 4.Remove an Enhanced IDE tape Drive 5.Change default Tape Drive 6.VIEw Current SCSI and Enhanced IDE Tape Drive configuration
Select an option or enter q to return to main menu 键入q,屏幕显示: Tape Drive Configuration Program
1. Configure a SCSI or Enhanced IDE tape drive 2. Configure a different type of tape drive Select an option or enter q to quit: You must create a new kernel to effect the drive change you specified Do you wish to create a new kernel now? (y/n)
键入y,屏幕显示: Do you want this kernel to boot by default? (y/n) 键入 y,屏幕显示: Do you want the kernel environment rebuilt? (y/n) 键入 y 安装完毕,重新引导系统,即可使用磁带机。 常用的磁带机读写命令 tar tvf /dev/rct0 tar cvf /dev/rct0 Directory _name or filename tar xvf /dev/rct0 cpio –icuvdmB
30. 附加逻辑盘安装 Sco Unix不能自动识别附加逻辑盘,需要手动安装,有以下步骤: (1)进入UNIX系统,在系统维护状态(单用户装态)下,键入命令 # mkdev hd (2)屏幕显示 1)Add a hard disk to IDE controller 2)Add a hard disk to SCSI controller 3)Add a hard disk to IDA controller (3)选择2 (4)屏幕显示: Enter the prefix of the SCSI host adapter that supports this Device Or press <Return> for the default: ‘slha' Enter h for a list of host adapters or enter q to quit: 输入amird,然后敲Enter (5)屏幕显示: Which ‘amird' SCSI host adapter supports this device? Select 0-6, or enter q to quit : 敲 0 (6)屏幕显示: The Host Adapter parameters will be automatically configured What SCSI Bus is this device attached to ? Press <Return> to use the default:0 Select 0-6, or h for help, or q to quit : 敲 0 (7)屏幕显示: What is the Target ID for this device? Select 0-15, or h for help, or q to quit : 敲 0 (8)屏幕显示: What is the LUN of this device ? Press <Return> to use the default:0 Select 0-7, or h for help, or q to quit : 敲 1 (9)屏幕显示: You are about to add the following SCSI device: Host AdapterAdapter TypeDeviceNumberIDLUNBUS amirdsdsk0010
Update SCSI configuration?(y/n) , 键入y (10)屏幕显示: The SCSI configuration file has been updated. A new kernel must be built and rebooted before disk configuration can continue.Would you like to relink at this time ? (y/n) 敲y,系统重新链接内核,并reboot。 (11)因为加一块逻辑盘需要'mkdev hd'两次,所以重复过程(1)-(9), 屏幕显示:Do you wish to continue? (y/n) ,敲y (12)屏幕显示: (1)Display Partition Table. (2)Use Entire Disk for Unix (3)Use Rest of Disk for Unix (4)Create Unix Partition (5)Activate Partition (6)Delete Partition (7)Create Partition Enter your choice or q to quit: 选择2,此时系统激活第二块逻辑盘 (13)出 现 (1) Print Current Bad Track Table (2) Scan Disk (3) Add Entries to Current Bad Table by Cylinder/Head number (4) Add Entries to Current Bad Track Table by sector number. (5) Delete Entries Individually from current Bad Track Table. Enter your choice or q to quit. 敲 回 车。 (14) 出现Bad tracks have been identified Enter the number of bad tracks to allocate space for (or press <return> to use the recommended valve of 19) 敲 回 车。 (15)出 please enter swap-space allocation, or press <return> to get the default allocation of 49000 1K block; 敲 回 车 (这 个 数 值 下 面 可 调, 它 指 的 是 内 存 的 对 换 区 的 大 小) (16)出 Please enter boot-space allocation, or press <return> to get the default allocation of 15000 1K block. 敲 回 车 (17)出 Do you wish to make any manual adjustments to the sizes or names of the file systems on swap area before they are create on the hard disk? (Y/N) 敲 回 车 ( 提 示 是 否 要 对 上 面 参 数 进 行 调 整) (18)屏幕显示: Do you wish to make any manual adjustments to the size or name of the file systems or Swap area before they are create on the hard disk? (y/n) 输入: y 并按 Enter (19)屏幕显示: NameTypeNew FS#First BlockLast Block RootSwapRootScratchRecoverHd0aEAFSNON FSHTFSNOT USEDNOT USEDNON FSNON FSWhole disknononononononono01234567020000118000--206239520643420199991179992062394--206434120643512072352
n[ame]Name or rename a division c[reate]Create a new file system on this division t[ype]Select or Change filesystem type on new filesystem p[revent]Prevent a new filesystem from being created on this division s[tart]Start a division on a different block e[nd]End a division on a different block r[estore]Restore the original division table Enter your choices or q to quit: 根据提示 按 'e' 设定分区的结尾的块值。 'n' 给相应分区命名。 'r' 恢复原分区。 分区划分满意后,按 q 并回车。 (20)屏幕显示: I[nstall] Install the division Set Up shown R[return] Return the previous menu Please enter your choice: 按i并回车 (21)屏幕显示: root file system is large enough that fsck will require a scratch division of 936 blocks to clean it, Would you like a scratch division to be allocated for you? (y/n) 敲入y并回车 (22)屏幕显示: Remove the floppy disk from the drive, then Press any key 取出软盘,按任意键,退出依系统提示重新链接内核并reboot, 第二块逻辑 盘就安装成功了。
31. 设置显示卡和分辨率 以系统维护状态(单用户装态)下进入UNIX系统,在,键入命令 ‘ scoadmin', 进入管理菜单。 (1)在管理菜单中选择‘Video Configuration Manager',进入‘显示设置管理' (2)选择‘Add adapter'项,在显示卡驱动库中选中‘Cirrus Logic GD5446'一项。 (3)用户如果是14'显示器,‘Monitor'选择'other 14 inch'一项。 (4)Resolution'可以设成‘VGA 640*480 256 color 60Hz'。 (5)重新连接内核。重新启动,显示卡设置完成。