SCO UNIX下的反删除(undelete)
SCO OpenServer支持Versioning Filesystems(undelete),但是缺省却没有打开此项功能,下面是具体细节: 1) scoadmin中选择Hardware/Kernel Manager,选择Filesystem configuration, 设置MAXVDEPTH为一个非零值(n=保存多少以前版本,设置较大数时要考虑磁盘空间) 设置MINVTIME(文件versioned之前等待的秒数) 2) 重新编译(Relink)内核; 3) 重新启动服务器; 4) 启用Undelete,针对需要设置undelete的目录(例如:/u/data) undelete -s /u/data 5) 为了察看Versioned情况,设置以下环境变量: SHOWVERSIONS=1; export SHOWVERSIONS 6) 用文件察看命令察看Versioned的文件,可以根据需要恢复删除或覆盖的文件。
undelete supports the following options:
If the -l, -p, -s, -u and -v options are not specifIEd, undelete recovers the specified files.
-l print a listing of all versions of the specified file(s)
-p purge (permanently delete) specified source file(s)
-s turn the version attribute on for the specified Directories and its subsequent child directories
-u turn the version attribute off for the specified directories
-v force the specified file(s) to be versioned
The following additional options are recognized:
-d normally, if the specified file is a directory, undelete will operate on the files contained in that directory. If this option is specified, undelete operates on the directory itself.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: undelete does not work on directories that are mounted. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-i undelete will prompt for confirmation prior to recovering a file that will overwrite the current version of the file. A y answer means that the undeletion should proceed. Any other answer prevents undelete from undeleting the file.
-f undelete will recover the file(s) without prompting even if it is overwriting over an existing current version of the file. This option overrides the -i option. Note that this is the default if the standard input is not a terminal.
-r undelete will operate recursively on any directories in the argument list. Symbolic links that are encountered with this option will not be traversed.
-m [+-]days undelete will only consider files that were deleted less than ( - ), greater than ( + ) or exactly (neither - nor + ) days ago.