come back home early是抖音一首很好听的英文歌的歌曲,下面就和小编一起去了解一下这首歌的歌曲名个完整歌词吧!
抖音come back home early介绍:
相信很多小伙伴在抖音上都有听到过这样的一首歌吧?这首歌在抖音上面的歌名叫《come back home early》。
其实这首歌的名字多了一个单词,但是也是刘忻演唱的,正确的歌曲应该叫《Come Home Early》,这首歌是刘忻很早之前的一首歌了。不过,如今在抖音上面又火了起来。不得不说,这抖音上面的歌,基本上都火了!
baby baby come back home early
You know how I've missed you
I can feel my heart feels so empty
From the day when you gone
Baby baby come back home
You know how I love you
I can feel my heart has stopped beating
I think I can not breath
I think you are wrong
You think I don't love you anymore
Think about what I've done
I miss you all the time
Baby baby come back home early
You know how I've missed you
I can feel my heart feels so empty
From the day when you gone
Baby baby come back home earlyZp7新趣头